Saturday 12 December 2020

"That's not a knife..."

"...oh, wait, it's 30 of them, actually."

At 17:35hrs on Thursday, 10 December, officers were on proactive patrol in the N5 area when they noticed a suspicious male stood on a wall handing several boxes up to another male through a window.
The 16-year-old was searched under section 1 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and inside the box they found 15 hunting knives. He was arrested for possession of an offensive weapon and taken into police custody where he remains.
Officers then went inside the property he was passing the boxes into and found a further 15 hunting knives in boxes. The 15-year-old male inside the property also had a lock knife in his trousers. He was arrested for possession of an offensive weapon and remains in police custody.

But it's vital that stop and search must be discontinued, right, progressives? 


  1. Stop and search MUST be discontinued because it’s alienating a protected minority. There will be an exception however in respect of the WHM. “What’s that?” you ask.
    White Heterosexual Male.

  2. Yes, there is a problem with the ethics of stop and search, JuliaM.

    I will be the first to concede a concept of right and wrong 'shanking' by persons of no particular description when the convention is reserved to victims within said group.

  3. Wow these poor men really need help don't they.

  4. They could do what airport security used to do.
    For every racially / religiously profiled search done they would pick on a reasonably understanding passenger (often me) carrying minimum luggage and clothing and do a quick sniff and frisk.All recorded.
    That way they kept the books balanced.

  5. What on earth were the Police thinking? Due to the overbearing attitude of the SS affiliated Plod, the lives of two aspiring footballers/rappers/brain surgeons/Nobel prize winners/enter future profession of choice have now been blighted. Unless, that is, the two teens were white, in which case officers should all be commended, because, reasons.

  6. "White Heterosexual Male."

    The last (un)protected species...

    "Yes, there is a problem with the ethics of stop and search, JuliaM."

    Got to admit, I misread 'ethics' at first, there...

    "They could do what airport security used to do."

    And that's probably what they will do!

    "... the lives of two aspiring footballers/rappers/brain surgeons/Nobel prize winners/enter future profession of choice..."

