Saturday 26 December 2020

We Need Lionesses, Not Lambs...

...certainly not the likes of Judge Maria Lamb:

Sentencing, Judge Maria Lamb called the attack 'a quite awful incident.'
King was handed a community order for two years. As part of that order he must abide by a residency condition requirement for 12 months and complete 30 days rehabilitation activity requirement. He must also pay a statutory victim surcharge.
After discussions on a proposed sexual harm prevention order the court decided not to impose any such protective order.
Well, I'm sure parents in Great Tew will feel the state has done what it can to protect their seven year old daughters, won't they?
In mitigation Daniel Martin, defending, said that his client was young at the time of the offence and that there was also a 'lack of maturity.'
He said that King had an autism spectrum disorder along with other underlying difficulties, and that he had developed a major depressive illness since the offence.

All indications he'll struggle to restrain himself in future, but in the topsy-turvy world of British 'justice', it's amazingly considered to me mitigation... 


  1. Once again we see a follower of Frankfurt school dogma putting the offender before the victim.

  2. He would probably be safer in jail. He certainly would be if he'd attacked a relative of mine. He would be found nailed to a feckin' tree ...

    If the state won't act, then vigilanteeism becomes inevitable.

  3. “...prosecutors said there were 'concerns' about what the motivation had been for the violence.”

    Fuck the motivations. He spotted a child, he stalked the child until she was separate from the herd, and then he pounced. He is an animal that saw the child as prey. When it comes to what it is that should be done with him, that is the only thing that matters.

  4. The attack occurred in August 2017 and the culprit was known from the outset. This could, and should, have been dealt with at the time, Justice delayed is justice denied but delay is now built into the legal system, proving once again that in Britain everything is policed except crime.

  5. Whilst he is at liberty he will always be looking over his shoulder.

  6. "Once again we see a follower of Frankfurt school dogma putting the offender before the victim."

    If I ever become PM, that'll be grounds for disqualification from any state function!

    "If the state won't act, then vigilanteeism becomes inevitable."

    I understand that in some communities, it's already standard.

    "Fuck the motivations. He spotted a child, he stalked the child until she was separate from the herd, and then he pounced. He is an animal that saw the child as prey. "

    Yes. Precisely that!
