Monday 11 January 2021

Appointment In Sammara - Kept!

2012, shot:
Two thugs were jailed for a total of 18 years after a drink-fuelled attack left their housemate with a pierced heart and collapsed lung.
David Walford, 42, stayed in hospital for a month after being repeatedly stabbed in the heart, chest, legs and arms.
Paul Fletcher, 23, and Mark Richardson, 36, of Verney Gardens, Dagenham, were jailed for nine years each at Snaresbrook Crown Court on April 20.

2021, chaser:
A father who was killed on New Year's Day was stabbed through the chest, it has been confirmed.
Essex Police say a post-mortem examination has found that Paul Fletcher, 31, was killed in Worcester Drive in Rayleigh after being stabbed in the chest.


  1. For what it is worth, it was less than an unavoidable appointment with destiny than it was a parable of Justice.

  2. He would have still been alive if he's served the full term!

  3. Lived by the sword, died by the sword.

  4. " was less than an unavoidable appointment with destiny than it was a parable of Justice."

    That seems to be the only kibd we get these days, so I'll take it!

    "He would have still been alive if he's served the full term!"

    Or would it have merely delayed the end?

    "Lived by the sword, died by the sword."

    Indeed! The court case is going to be ... interesting!
