Wednesday 6 January 2021

But He Is 'Showing Compassion'...

Unison said it was "beyond belief that someone could show so little compassion". the poor bloody taxpayer!

A local Councillor has refused to apologise after replying to a union email about school meals with the phrase "if you can't feed, don't breed".
Roger Taylor, independent councillor for Northowram and Shelf on Calderdale Council, sent the reply to a newsletter from the public services union Unison, which contained a request to help save the school meals service and referenced the campaign by footballer Marcus Rashford to tackle child food poverty.
Cllr Taylor, who was expelled from the Conservative party last year, said he is a supporter of school meals but he believes it is parents' responsibility to feed their children during the holidays and not that of the taxpayer.

Who thinks there's anything wrong with that attitude? Once, it would have been so utterly commonplace it wouldn't even be controversial... 


  1. Unless parents have suffered a terrible loss such as the death of a partner or serious illness etc. of course the councilor is right. The welfare of a child is always the responsibility of its parents not the tax payer.

  2. It's a shame Councillor Taylor doesn't address the root of the problem instead of being a nimby.

    Unfortunately there are still so many people who become parents who are not educated in the developments and security needed to raise a healthy family.
    For the people of this prosperous island to fork out a tiny bit extra in taxes for giving future generations the nourishment and care for their brains and bodies to develop into the best way possible is little to ask.
    To give children the best start is good security for the future. After all these children will be the ones making decisions about us in years to come and to remember that they grew up with people who cared about their development will show them that they should care about others.
    An educated person would ensure all children matter regardless of wealth or lack of it.

    After all, children are precious.

  3. The Unison rep showed that he's a moron, or a trade unionist, which is often the same thing. Lack of compassion my arse.

  4. He is correct. We live in a welfare state. if this family or families are so poor surely they can get child support or universal credit and so pay for food?

  5. "Unfortunately there are still so many people who become parents who are not educated in the developments and security needed to raise a healthy family."

    It's not through lack of trying. It's mostly through lack of moral education, not academic...

    "We live in a welfare state. if this family or families are so poor surely they can get child support or universal credit and so pay for food?"

    You'd think, wouldn't you?
