Friday 29 January 2021

"Do you wanna build a snowman...?"

Well, better not try it in Tupsley. Not on bin day, at any rate. 

Herefordshire Council said:“We are aware of this incident and are disappointed that an individual representing the council would behave in such a manner."

Hmm, mean-spirited, needlessly destructive, careless of how his actions look to the, no, I'm sure that's not how council officials ever behave. 

"The employee was a member of agency staff working on behalf of one of the council’s contractors, and he has been informed that he will not be used again.
"Information has also been circulated to all agency employees outlining the professional standards they are expected to uphold when representing a Herefordshire Council contractor.”
Boy, I'd like to see that memo!


  1. Is it waycist cos he is white

  2. Well at least they fired him rather than covering for him with a load of weasley excuses.

  3. It is worth considering what the "young child" attached to this "snowman" a skull and crossbones with the phrase "sod off"

  4. Final sentence:

    "Miss Taylor added neighbours' children helped to build the snowman, while maintaining strict social distancing"

    Probably added at the last minute when they realised the comments would be full of insufferable bedwetters

  5. Isn't it funny what can lose you your livelihood these days, as compared to what doesn't. It does rather seem to depend rather on who you are.

  6. "It is worth considering what the "young child" attached to this "snowman" a skull and crossbones with the phrase "sod off""

    I didn't see that!

    "Probably added at the last minute when they realised the comments would be full of insufferable bedwetters"

    And they were!

    "Isn't it funny what can lose you your livelihood these days..."

    He's agency, they probably moved him to another beat on another council's contract.
