Sunday 10 January 2021

Imagine The Dreams He'll Have...

...when he actually eats it!


  1. As someone who tends to have occasional nightmares about being chased around dimly lit corridors by heavily armed Nazis (I watch a lot of WWII movies), it's a damned good reason for not translating what I see in dreams into food. Somehow I don't think that creating a jackboot shaped bagel is not what the market wants LOL.

  2. I simply don't like the look of that hand. It's not right, Julia.

  3. MTG,
    That's actually funny. You been taking advice from someone?

  4. Anon @ 13:28

    'Actually funny?' In the absence of an appropriate explanation you have me at a disadvantage, Sir/Madam.

  5. @MTG,
    And those who also didn't get it,
    It's a left hand, so it's obviously not right.
    Sadly, if you have to explain it, it then becomes not funny, actually, or otherwise.

  6. Anon @ 13:03

    Still don't get it, TB. There again, some things are better left.

  7. "'s a damned good reason for not translating what I see in dreams into food."

    But the next Turner Prize could beckon!


    I see what you did there... ;)

    "Is he pregnant?"

