Friday 15 January 2021

Is There Any Left To Halt, Then?


Guidelines issued to GPs say most surgeries should pause non-urgent appointments such as health checks, routine blood tests and medication reviews.
My mother's local GP hasn't been doing these since Lockdown One...
Those in areas with highest infection levels must continue with the most urgent appointments. Childhood vaccination, smear tests and treatment such as palliative care should all continue, whatever the infection level, it states.
But doctors should stop offering health checks, designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes or dementia.

So we'll be free of Covid, but people will die of these instead. Is it me, or...? 


  1. Well we won't even be free of Covid. It'll be a regular occurrence from now on.

  2. Seems like its time to go private - the NHS is sadly no longer fit for purpose. The downside is that even private healthcare is bound by the same regulations - obey or get struck off the register. We're trapped.

  3. This government's care is deadly earnest. Above everything else, it wants neat and precise mortality records. 'Chipping' at the earliest opportunity will facilitate the storage of personal covid records...although nothing can beat an old fashioned tattoo on the lower left arm and a Star of Vaccination on the lapel.

  4. "Well we won't even be free of Covid. It'll be a regular occurrence from now on."

    It'll become what it always really was - 'the flu'.

    "Seems like its time to go private..."

    Then you pay twice - once for a service you won't use.

    "'Chipping' at the earliest opportunity will facilitate the storage of personal covid records..."

    I'll pop down to my local vet for mine...
