Thursday 7 January 2021

Meanwhile, Over In GulagUK...

Yes, I expect all those shopkeepers who waited in vain for police to turn up to burglaries and shoplifting cases will have a wry chuckle at them suddenly finding a work ethic in their top drawer...

Scotland Yard revealed officers will be told to stop civilians in the street and quiz them on why they are not shut away in their homes.

Hmmm, that's a very good question... 

It comes on a day where police arrested 28 protesters for flouting restrictions, fined four friends £800 for travelling in the same car to McDonald's and policemen pulled over motorists to check where they were going.

Ah. The answer's 'Yes'.  

Meanwhile Boris Johnson extended his third national lockdown until March 31 as his new Covid law was published and he ducked Tory demands to guarantee 'malicious' rules are eased after his first review on February 15.

When do we decide we've had enough, and start storming seats of political power, I wonder? 


  1. Don't listen to the daily mail Julia. There will be very few of these fines issued but the publicity will be blown out of all proportion.
    My old station has just gone to compulsory 12 hour days as they are so short of staff. Despite the lies of politicians and senior officers there are no " extra officers" when there is a crisis.

  2. NOW you know the real reason for our draconian firearms legislation and why Americans with any sense are fighting the destruction of their constitution.

  3. Anon is quite right Julie our Police station closed down years ago and crime here is just an insurance matter now. Having said that I did see an occupied police car in our street this morning, I haven't see any police around here for best part of a year until today. It sat at the roadside with the engine running to keep the delicate Officer warm for well over half an hour to my knowledge,so much for green issues. Probably there to monitor and fine anyone out for an illegal walk or going to the shop twice, amazing how they come out of the woodwork if theirs money to be extorted from the normally law abiding.

  4. @ WC Jaded

    This blog appears on your daily visit list, merely to distort information; berate and traduce critics of The Filth. A full time job, presumably sponsored by your 'Union', never had anything honest to offer the public.

    Your 'service', once as mighty as that of the Schutzstaffel, is destined to share the latter's 1945 ruins and an avenging allied storm which will never tire of bringing the worst of you to Justice.

  5. Hypothetically... What's the most annoying timewasting way to handle such an encounter? What happens if you refuse to give name and address for example, and (say) have no ID on you?
    Asking for a friend who has literally nothing better to do since his work has been cancelled...

  6. “What I've actually called for is a badge that someone actually has to apply for first and then can wear to show that they have a proper medical exemption.” Ken Marsh, Met fed

  7. Hello Melvin. Covid not got you yet? The virus unable to penetrate your tin foil hat? Seeing as you have no friends and no life I suppose lockdown is just normality to you.



  8. @ WC Jaded

    She was an an equally lovely person and Aileen Wuornos could have been your mother, Jaded. Why, it was only recently and on this blog, your foul-mouthed wishes for me included a slow, ugly and painful death. And speaking of facile puerility, your guess re tinfoil happens to be technically correct, dear. Even the thinnest metal foil affords an impenetrable barrier to viruses.

    Were it possible to cull your enemies to one thousand, I would still have that many friends and more.

  9. @MTG & Jaded,
    I do wish you two would stop trying to get one over each other. At first, it was amusing, but now it's boring.
    Everyone who reads this blog knows that Melvin, for whatever reason, hates the Police in general and Jaded in particular.
    Similarly, everyone knows that Jaded tries to get his own back with insults.
    Melvin, for goodness sake, say something nice for once.
    Jaded, don't feed the trolls.
    Not MTG, Jaded, or Penseivat

  10. Dear Jaded, You might have your problems but believe me the public do feel totally abandoned by the Police. It seems the only people who are subject to the law are the soft case law abiding who will pay up if charged with easy to prove trivial offences. Many of us have been the victims of multiple crimes and struggle to even get a crime number. It's very easy to understand the rising tide of cynical feelings about our supposed guardians of the law.

  11. 'There' punctuation and 'inglish' herald the arrival of Jaded's back-up.

  12. "It's very easy to understand the rising tide of cynical feelings about our supposed guardians of the law."

    Sadly, most of them are no longer our guardians of the law, but are now just government revenue-collectors. The repeated lockdowns of course have to be paid for somehow...

  13. "Don't listen to the daily mail Julia. There will be very few of these fines issued but the publicity will be blown out of all proportion."

    It doesn't matter, Jaded.

    The point is, they seem to be able to find extra officers when they are needed and they are spreading fear in the population. That's not the job of the police, except where criminals are involved, and not little old ladies sitting on benches.

    "...amazing how they come out of the woodwork if theirs money to be extorted from the normally law abiding."

    If only it was just money. With a lot of the incidents that are now being recorded, it's obedience and fear.

    Perhaps because for so long, the criminal classes haven't disdplayed any, and and they've missed the taste of it.

    "Asking for a friend who has literally nothing better to do since his work has been cancelled.."

    Sorry to hear this. But the police would do well to consider that the most dangerous adversary on the planet is someone with nothing left to lose.

    "Ken Marsh, Met fed"

    In yellow? Like the streak that runs down his back?

    "...but believe me the public do feel totally abandoned by the Police."

    And that's rapidly changing. To 'persecuted'. Does anyone think that's likely to improve things?

    "The repeated lockdowns of course have to be paid for somehow..."

    The billions wasted on these measures aren't going to be balanced out with the £200 they get because Doris popped out for the milk she forgot on her first shopping trip. That's if magistrates don't start refusing to order them paid.
