Wednesday 13 January 2021

"Right, We're Getting Tough Now...."

"Oh, but not on you...."

Protesters have gathered outside Cardiff Bay police station to protest the death of a man who died hours after being released from custody.
More than 200 people marched from the city centre to the police station around a mile away to demand 'justice' following the death of 24-year-old Mohamud Mohammed Hassan.
They are also asking for the release of CCTV from his time in custody.

Number of arrests for gathering in defiance of covid laws? None. Zilch. Zero.  

Neil McEvoy, an MS who represents South Wales Central in the Senedd for the Welsh National Party, also attended the protest and said he wanted to see transparency from the police and the officers involved suspended from duty pending an investigation.

Even politicians see nothing wrong, refuse to condemn these gathering, and even gather with them... 

Earlier on Tuesday, Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford described reports of Mr Hassan's death as 'deeply concerning'.

Yes. That Mark Drakeford

What more evidence do you need that this is no longer a country where everyone is equal under the law?


  1. Covid an opportunity to resume murder in custody? Not on your Filthy lives.

  2. So, collective punishments rather than dealing with actual rule breakers. It's the Fascist way.

  3. Another aspiring rapper*, footballer*, grime artist*, architect* .(*Delete as applicable).
    The whole custody suite would have been on CCTV.
    A story going nowhere but gives the usual suspects something to moan about. I'm sure the police in Somalia are much more friendly.
    The headline is very misleading as well. He didn't die in custody, he died later. The rules changed so that even if he got hit by a bus 24 hours later that still counts as a death in police custody.

  4. As usual it's one law for the rest of us and a different but more lenient law for anybody called 'Mohammed'

  5. What's weird is that a schoolteacher is blasphemous for naming a Teddy Bear Mohammed, but some parents who name a fuckwit, stabby, arsehole the same get away with it ...

  6. Given that this occurred in Labour's very own one-party state, I can't wait for someone to ask Sir Keir of Lockdownia about this.

    Surely someone in our fearless MSM will pick it up, right?

  7. Uniformed thug @ 10:55

    Beware of bum steer offerings from the federation's salaried misinformant.

  8. Keep the tinfoil on Melvin, apparently it keeps the germs at bay.

  9. “... a fuckwit, stabby, arsehole...”

    Well, that much is following Old Mo’s “perfected example” of everything a righteous man should be. Granted, the Most Special Boy to Ever Live did prefer to get other people to do the stabbing for him.

  10. FYI I was given some info yesterday by a contact in one of London's boroughs that have been 'enriched' by Islam and in particular Islamic extremism. The police in this area, rather than deal with the by now obvious problem of Islamic extremism and other serious crimes, are now, I've been told, spending an inordinate amount of time and resources on stopping people, mostly white British people it seems, going into a shopping centre and questioning them about whether their shopping trip is really necessary. This force, the Met, seems to be blind to the real crime going on all around them but has eyes wide open for those whom they can bully into compliance.

  11. "Covid an opportunity to resume murder in custody? "

    Do you really think that's likely...?

    "So, collective punishments rather than dealing with actual rule breakers."

    They have now summonsed a woman for organising it. Nice to see they can be shamed into applying the law equally, if only the MSM can be bothered to turn on the spotlight occasionally.

    "The whole custody suite would have been on CCTV."

    Yup. Vanishingly small chance of anything sinister happening here.

    "....I can't wait for someone to ask Sir Keir of Lockdownia about this."

    Looks like you'll have to!

    "..., spending an inordinate amount of time and resources on stopping people, mostly white British people it seems, going into a shopping centre and questioning them about whether their shopping trip is really necessary."

    Wonder if this is an attempt to skew the statistics, since each stop is likely to be recorded?
