Monday 4 January 2021

"There were so many warning signs which could have prevented it happening."

The grieving mother of yet another child, like Emily Jones, killed by a well-known threat allowed to remain active and at large despite worrying contact with the authorities who are supposed to keep us safe:
She believes the NHS should be held accountable for failing to detain Glover under the Mental Health Act on five separate occasions, including just nine weeks before Harley's death.
Essex Police also have serious questions to answer, she says, including why Glover's car was not seized from him when officers knew he had threatened to use it as a weapon.
'They can't do everything, I understand that. But I am not convinced that they did everything they could have to prevent this happening,' she says.

She's scathing about the police, and the mental health assessors who dropped the ball in their lackadaisical 'let's not coordinate, it's too much like hard work' fashion. 

Yet let's not let others off the hook: 

Until now, the appalling incident in December 2019 has been reported as a 'hit-and-run', committed by a troublemaker who had been the subject of complaints to police for several years.

Yes, Reporters. Who - if they too did their jobs - would have known immediately that they were reporting what the state agencies wanted. And not what the truth of the matter actially was. 


  1. Typical of modern Britain, many of the agency's seem to work on an anything short of actually doing some real work basis. Still it seems to be the way to promotion if you look at many of the do called chiefs and management we have in post now. Surely the time when people turn to self help must be closer than ever now.

  2. Well, quite. They're not speaking truth to power, they're speaking truth from power.

  3. Robert the Biker4 January 2021 at 13:31

    I do feel I have to ask, Is it ME? I really do not comprehend these people who sit about crying and wringing their hands and never go for the shitbags who commit the crimes (often followed by derisory sentences) or the wasters who occupy posts meant to protect the public, but who are always promising "lessons will be learned".
    I could face my abused wife or assaulted daughter over the visitors table at Pentonville, I could not do so while their attacker was breathing the air and being "understood" by all the so called experts.

  4. "Typical of modern Britain..."

    How DID we ever come to this? It must have crept up slowly...

    "They're not speaking truth to power, they're speaking truth from power."

    And they are consolidating that power bit by bit even now.

    "I really do not comprehend these people who sit about crying and wringing their hands and never go for the shitbags who commit the crimes..."

    We've been conditioned to let the state resolve these matters, and that to do otherwise is 'uncivilised'. We're the Eloi. At the mercy of the <orlocks.
