Friday 22 January 2021

Weather - Always Catching Councils Out...

Families were surprised over the Christmas break to discover that one of the Island's newest attractions had disappeared from the promenade.
The giant maze had been painted by Sheerness artist Richard Jeferies during the summer as part of a series of public art works for Minster parish council.
It had proved popular with youngsters as they encountered characters like the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter and the Queen of Hearts from the 1865 novel by English author Lewis Carroll.
But the attraction has now been removed, leaving just a huge circle of cleaned concrete.

Oh..? Why? Is it crumbling? Is it considered such a draw that 'covid regulations' are being breached?

Well, no. The answer is a bit more ... well... 

But Swale Cllr Cameron Beart said: "It was removed because it was dangerous. Every time it was wet, kids were slipping over on it."
Cllr Ken Ingleton who chairs the parish council admitted: "We were asked to remove it.
"Apparently youngsters were slipping on it although it was supposed to have non-slip paint."

Gosh, that sounds familiar, somehow... 

Mr Jeferies, a father-of four who has also painted a tribute to Turner's Fighting Temeraire on the seawall at Minster and a number murals at Sheerness including a giant bee and a beach scene, refused to comment.
He said: "You will have to speak to Minster parish council about this."
As Alice might have said, curiouser and curiouser...

And as JuliaM might say, 'Idiot council lashes out more taxpayer cash on project not fit for purpose...'. 


  1. " ... newest attraction ... "

    Ooh, what is it? A fairground? A zoo? A market perhaps?


    I bet that had people from all points of the compass over flocking in. Would I be right in thinking there isn't much to do in Sheerness?

  2. Happy Birthday, Julia, may it be a memorable one!

  3. Happy Birthday Julia. Do something outlandish today; have lunch in the living room instead of the kitchen or dining room. Go on, you wild child, you know you want to kick over the traces.

  4. "Ooh, what is it? A fairground? A zoo? A market perhaps?"


    "Happy Birthday, Julia, may it be a memorable one!"

    Cheers! 😊

    "Do something outlandish today; have lunch in the living room..."

