Tuesday 12 January 2021

You've Got Some Front, Love, I'll Give You That...

...thought what I'd rather give you is a P45: 

Writing in the Times today, Dame Cressida said: 'It is preposterous to me that anyone could be unaware of our duty to do all we can to stop the spread of the virus. We have been clear that those who breach Covid-19 legislation are increasingly likely to face fines.
'We will still be engaging, explaining and encouraging but those who break the rules or refuse to comply where they should without good reason will find officers moving much more quickly to enforcement action.'
The people who seem unaware of the laws mostly seem to wear uniform these days, while they pick the low hanging fruit and ignore the people who write their paychecks. You can't even get your approach co-ordinated
Ministers are furious that some people have been using their right to daily exercise simply as an excuse to meet friends for a coffee in the park.
One source said: 'If it means limiting people to a single one-hour walk on their own once a week that is what we must do. We cannot let a few selfish idiots put the whole country in danger.'

We cannot let a few risk-averse morons in thrall to ever-increasing panicky scientific advisers treat the population of the UK like disobedient children and impose more barmy and totally unenforceable rules that people - quite rightly - ignore, either. 


  1. Two diametrically opposed mindsets - one Thug Plod, one ordinary human.

  2. When a government relies upon morons for enforcement, the chances of establishing respect for and compliance with, hastily drawn 'lockdown rules' will be slim at best.

  3. It says something about the lingering fart in the lift that was Fat Dave's Reign of Error that even today no one in the Tory sees anything deranged in ranting about people sneakily meeting friends in the park or the government treating leaving the house as a privilege they are free to dole out or deny at a whim.

  4. Oh dear, we must all meekly comply or the Dickhead will get us!

    Aliens have been in the news a lot recently, as UFO-spotters imagine stuff.
    But I reckon any aliens intelligent and advanced enough to travel across vast distances will all be leaving earth, not arriving.
    Imagine arriving here and discovering just how stupid human societies have become in a single year.
    All government statistical reports, worldwide, show SARS-CoV-2 is not much worse than a bad flu - we've become Easter Islanders destroying our own livelihoods.

  5. "...the chances of establishing respect for and compliance with, hastily drawn 'lockdown rules' will be slim at best."

    We are seeing less compliance as the farrago drags on, I note...

    "It says something about the lingering fart in the lift that was Fat Dave's Reign of Error..."

    They've been a huge disappointment, and would be out on their ears if Starmer weren't utterly incompetent.

    "...we've become Easter Islanders destroying our own livelihoods."

    I don't envy future archaeologists!
