Tuesday 9 February 2021

For Those Who Think Priti Patel Is Useless...

The UK's head of counter-terrorism policing has urged the Home Office to consider relaxing positive discrimination laws to ensure police can hire more BAME recruits.

What?! Who on earth would have the cheek to ask this?

Oh. Of course.  

Neil Basu raised the issue at the last National Policing Board meeting chaired by the home secretary Priti Patel...

Can anyone imagine how Teresa May would have answered? Yes, me too. But not Priti. 

...who reportedly stood firmly against the idea.

Yes, she might be all talk when it comes to illegal immigration, but she's not standing for this, thankfully.  

Recent figures reported that police forces all across the UK had failed to hire a representative number of black, Asian and minority ethnic police recruits despite a high number of BAME applicants.

If police forces aren't hiring them, despite them applying, it's because they don't meet the required standards. 

We have enough of those already, we don't need any more even if they do come in different colours... 


  1. "...they don't meet the required standards."

    Not sufficiently ignorant and stupid?

  2. "Not sufficiently ignorant and stupid?"

