Thursday 18 February 2021

GMP Have Very Strange Priorities...

Mr Karney tweeted on Wednesday morning: 'Extra security measures have caught two males filming themselves urinating on the mural.
'Thanks to GMP they have been arrested.'

I wonder if the average Manchester shopkeeper is wondering if, should he see some yob emptying his bladder against his shop window via CCTV one night, he could expect the Flying Squad to swoop in with such alacrity? 

The clue is in 'mural' - of dead American criminal George Floyd

The latest incident comes two days after the painting was defaced with racist graffiti for a second time.
On Sunday night, the memorial was targeted after a large 'N' was sprayed over it.
The mural was also defaced with vile graffiti last summer when a masked vandal sprayed 'n****r' over Mr Floyd's face.

Clearly, this 'tribute' is doing one good job - becoming a magnet for vandals and keeping them away from other areas! 

Councillor Jon-Connor Lyons said the artwork has since been covered up 'to prevent further graffiti or cause any emotional damage to our communities.'

Anyone caused 'emotional harm' by damage to this mawkish, out-of-place so-called 'artwork' needs psychiatric help... 

A spokesman for GMP said: 'Officers received a report around 1am on Wednesday 17 February 2021 of two males urinating against a George Floyd mural in Stevenson Square, Manchester.
'Officers attended and two men, both aged 22, were arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated criminal damage. They remain in custody for questioning.'

Unless they were aliens with acid urine, I think any competent solicitor will be able to prove no 'damage' has occurred that wouldn't be erased with a mop. 


  1. It's not the damage to the mural that bothers them, but damage to the narrative.

  2. Here we go again, some foreign drugged up nigger thug dies of an overdose, and all the world is supposed to moan for evermore. why is there even a mural in this country to this tosser? Oh, thats right, another club to beat the horrible wypipo with. Never bow the knee, never apologise and never under any circumstances give in to the whining.

  3. This kind of incident is often later shown to have been perpetrated by the 'injured parties' themselves

  4. I'd piss on his grave, but I'm currently in lockdown and can't fly to the US.

    I'd also like to piss on Ted Heath's grave, but it's in the middle of Salisbury Cathedral, so I have to wait a couple more decades so that I can blame incontinence. As for Teresa May, well, she ain't dead yet, but she does look rather like a Zombie who has been resurrected with a grudge to bear.

  5. Has this mural been blacked out?

  6. "It's not the damage to the mural that bothers them, but damage to the narrative."

    It's a reminder that not everyone is cowed into support for this movement. Yet.

    "Never bow the knee, never apologise and never under any circumstances give in to the whining."

    If only all organisations had the courage for this. We'd not be in half the mess we're in.

    "This kind of incident is often later shown to have been perpetrated by the 'injured parties' themselves"

    Yes, I remember the furore over the vandalism to the Stephen Lawrence memorial, Which was quietly dropped when the perpetrator was discovered to be one of the same ethnic grouping...

    "I'd also like to piss on Ted Heath's grave, but it's in the middle of Salisbury Cathedral, so I have to wait a couple more decades so that I can blame incontinence."


    "Has this mural been blacked out?"

