Monday 8 February 2021

No Wonder The Jobsworths Can't Get The Hang Of Mask Guidelines...

A spokeswoman for Tesco said yesterday: 'We're incredibly sorry to hear about this and are shocked to hear the reported circumstances.
'It wouldn't be appropriate for us to comment further while we are investigating these reports.
'We have 2,600 defibrillators in stores across the country which are available for anyone to use and we are reminding colleagues of this.'

Wait, why would you need to remind 'colleagues' (ugh, if you mean 'staff', say so!) about this? 

Samantha performed CPR on the elderly man after he suffered a suspected heart attack near the store on Wednesday.
She called 999 and was told to get a defibrillator - but this was refused when another member of the public ran in to collect it.
Samantha said the member of staff even phoned Kent Police and reported an 'attempted theft' of the life saving machine - before they were told it was actually required.



  1. To be fair, we don't know that the "colleague" was a jobsworth. It's increasingly likely that their grasp of English was so poor that they didn't know what a defibrillator was for.

  2. "It's increasingly likely that their grasp of English was so poor that they didn't know what a defibrillator was for."

    Ooh, good point!
