Tuesday 2 February 2021

The Most Liverpool Sentence You'll Ever Read...

...the single mum was spared prison after the judge said no one else could look after her children because their dads are in jail.

Yup. Plural! 

Gayle Smylie has two children and Kelly Featherstone has one child to Anthony Moss, who is said to have previously 'two-timed' the pair.
But after Miss Featherstone allegedly made controversial remarks about Smylie's family online, Smylie and Moss invaded her property.
The 42-year-old was dragged into her living room, struck in the leg by Moss with a bat, and repeatedly hit by Smylie.

It's like a 'Jeremy Kyle' episode, isn't it? 

Smylie, formerly of the same Widnes address, has six previous convictions for seven offences, including assault causing actual bodily harm in 2009. She was last convicted in 2011.

And she's still considered by the State to be a fit person to look after her children... 


  1. It's not that they consider her a fit person, it's that no other bugger will give the scrofulous, thieving, violent, untameably wild little snots house room.

  2. After "white privilege", the next allegation down the line is "non-Scouse privilege".
    Just as the Burn, Loot, Murder, mobs can be excused everything they do, so the rest of this country must excuse the actions of the wacky, friendly, fun-loving denizens of the city of perennial humour.

  3. Yet I understand that they take children from working parents with no records all the time for spurious reason. It makes no sense to me.

  4. They should lock her up, throw away the key and release the 'dads' from prison to look after the kids. That would get some teeth gnashing :-)

  5. Ermmm, case held in Liverpool, none of the accused etc from there nor did it take place in Liverpool, besides that you are 100% correct.

  6. I made the mistake of clicking on the link to the echo. What an absolute cess pit the place is from the Mayor downwards (upwards?) to the dregs of society. Good luck and best wishes to anyone decent who still lives there, you are far stronger than I could ever be.

  7. "...it's that no other bugger will give the scrofulous, thieving, violent, untameably wild little snots house room."

    Not even the families of the father(s)..?

    "It makes no sense to me."

    Me neither... 😥

    "...none of the accused etc from there nor did it take place in Liverpool,.."

    The trial was held there.

    "What an absolute cess pit the place is from the Mayor downwards..."

    Spot on!
