Sunday 14 February 2021

Typo Or Freudian Slip, 'Mail'?



  1. Gaffing is such sweet sorrow that I say goodnight and welcome more tomorrow.

  2. Boris is not well liked in many quarters but top marks for the vaccine programme. You might not think it necessary, and perhaps it isn't, but he did the right thing in getting plenty of it for the UK while the EU "spun wheels"

  3. They lash louts in Singapore don't they?

    On the subject of vaccines, Ursula is the gift that just keeps on giving. It really has got up her nose that we were better organised than the EUSSR. Funny that she is comparing this to the cold war, as if she's completely unaware of which side lost. Free markets or central planning, I wonder what works best?

  4. "Boris is not well liked in many quarters but top marks for the vaccine programme."

    Yes, credit where credit's due, compared to the omnishambles of the EU, he's done well.

    " It really has got up her nose that we were better organised than the EUSSR. "

    I've had to order more popcorn!
