Sunday 21 March 2021

Clossssssse Enough....

...for the 'Argus'. anyway: 


  1. Are they doing it on purpose to generate web traffic from people wanting to correct them? Are they simply too stupid and ignorant to know the difference between a cobra and a rattlesnake? Or do they know but are so unmotivated that they don't give a toss about accuracy? I'm not sure why I'm asking this as I don't really care what the answer is.

  2. Clickbait award goes to Cambridge News:

    "12 pictures that prove Cambridge is the ugliest city in the East of England"

    Also woke newsrag award:

    Misogyny should ‘absolutely’ become a hate crime – but it probably won’t happen, says expert

    "What this does is it just says black lives matter but women’s lives don’t"

  3. "Are they doing it on purpose to generate web traffic from people wanting to correct them? "

    Never chalk up to 'a cunning plan' what can be easier explained by sheer ignorance!

    "Clickbait award goes to Cambridge News..."

    That's a regular stop for me now!
