Sunday 28 March 2021

My Hunting Games Get Wilder... it seems we can hunt Piers Morgan!


  1. I wish you could teach my cat, she has just made it to the garden now after months on the front doorstep, but frightened by the wind this morning, now back indoors. Lst of the great white hunters she is not..even the blue tits were laughing.

  2. Isn't that countryside?

  3. If you are referring to my garden, then no, it cannot be the countryside as there are no psychotic farmers with shotguns spraying rusty barrels of herbicide around hedgerows, no dogwalkers garnishing the footpaths with excrement and the branches of the bushes with excrement in plasic bags, precious few gypsys hare coursing at night, or builders in white vans dumping plasterboard and cracked kitchen sinks in laybys, and a distinct lack of copulating doggers decorating the hedrows with used condoms.

    Apart from that, just like the countryside

  4. " cannot be the countryside as there are no psychotic farmers with shotguns spraying rusty barrels of herbicide around hedgerows..."

