Wednesday 31 March 2021

Oooh, Oooh, I Know The Answer!

Is it 'because the judge is a moron'? Sure seems like it.
Kieran Byrne punched David Harrison to the eye during a late night attack in Crawley. Mr Harrison said the unprovoked attack was unexpected and gave him no time to prepare or raise his defences.
"It felt like I had been hit with a brick," he said.

I expect you'll feel that way about the 'justice' you've received too... 

So, what's the excuse? First offence?

It was revealed that Byrne had committed a similar offence of inflicting grievous bodily harm when he was aged 16, and has a penchant for mixed martial arts.

Oh, Guess not.  

His defence barrister Kyri Argyropolous said Byrne has made efforts to turn his life around, and said sending the thug to prison would be "potentially catastrophic".

How has he made those efforts? What has he actually done? 

The Judge told Byrne: “You seriously affected the lives of three innocent people with this brutal and uncalled for aggression.
“It seems you have an interest in mixed martial arts, that potentially contributed to the serious injury on this occasion.
"The fact is I don’t really care. You chose to use extreme violence on innocent people.
“You were part of an assault on a gentleman who lost his tooth in a group attack that you all bear responsibility for.
“Another man walking along was doing his best to calm things down, and you subjected him to a cowardly and vicious assault. He could have died. He was attacked when he was not expecting it.”
The judge said work would need to be done to stop Byrne, of Shaws Road, Crawley, turning to violence in an “explosive way”.

That work being 'banging him up for a long time'. No?


Judge Mooney said there is a programme to work with Byrne, but also asked: “Would the public be appalled if I didn’t impose an immediate prison sentence?
“There is an extremely compelling argument that that is the approach I should adopt.
“But without addressing your use of explosive violence, would I instead be storing up a problem for a future judge?
“It seems that whatever the public reaction is, I have to take a longer term view.

Touching concern for your colleagues. Little - if any - for the innocent members of the public who are likely to be on the receiving end of this thug's unprovoked violence. 


  1. Frankfurt school marxism is everywhere these days.

  2. Which is why I avoid town centres after dark, in England anyway, in China not a problem, say what you like about the political system there, I may agree with you, but few muslims trying to impose their beliefs and values upon a country that has a different culture and few violent criminals wandering the streets at night.
    It says a lot when I feel safer in China than England with the proviso : if you behave yourself : George Floyd as a typical example.
    I recall getting some pretty heavy treatment at some airports in China, my wife just nudged me and all it took was stand back, take a deep breath and all was fine.

  3. In my many years of working in the pubs, I've always said there's no such thing as an unprovoked attack. I was looking for the exception in this story:

    "Another man walking along was doing his best to calm things down..."

    In my experience, when these 'peacemakers' get chinned, it's because they were pissed themselves and making the situation a whole lot worse

    Not that the thug shouldn't have been banged up, but there's always two sides

  4. Gladiator school would seem to be a sensible solution for these types. If they like extreme violence, why not put them somewhere that they can practice it to their heart's content? Film it and put it online for anyone who wants to watch them slaughter each other. Meanwhile they get themselves removed from the gene pool.

  5. "Frankfurt school marxism is everywhere these days."

    That long march though the institutions clearly succeeded beyond its wildest dreams.

    "Which is why I avoid town centres after dark, in England anyway..."

    Me too, you're safer in a taxi (unless it's John Worboys')

    "In my experience, when these 'peacemakers' get chinned, it's because they were pissed themselves and making the situation a whole lot worse"

    The probability approaches 100%

    "Gladiator school would seem to be a sensible solution for these types."

    Imagine what they could do with training!
