Tuesday 2 March 2021

Our Infallible Prime Minister, Folks!

The Prime Minister said he expects commuters to head back to the office “in a few short months”.
He told an audience at a rail industry conference that he did not expect to see a permanent shift towards working from home.


Barclays is poised to jettison the Docklands home of its investment bank with the company “open to offers” for the space, The Sunday Telegraph understands....
HSBC will nearly halve its office space in the coming years in one of the most radical calls on working trends in the wake of the global pandemic.

He is, of course, only telling his audience what they want to hear - that their captive audience will have to come crawling back - because at heart, he's a coward, and can't face telling them that their business plans need to change, because life has changed. 

And who changed it? He did. Lockdown forced companies - often previously resistant to working from home - to change. And there's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube now.



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  3. I have been told by a colleague, who works for a Council not a million miles from me, that they are looking at the possibility of charging part business rates on top of council tax for those found to be working from home. If true, no doubt HMRC will also become interested.

  4. Agreed. I thought I'd hate working from home, but it's too late now, I'm used to it and I'm not going back.

  5. Isn't transport supposed to be one of the evil things that is wrecking the planet? I would have thought that everyone would be pleased that millions of car, train and bus journeys are no longer going to happen.

  6. "This comment has been removed by the author."


    "...they are looking at the possibility of charging part business rates on top of council tax for those found to be working from home. "

    I wouldn't be the least bit surprised!

    "I thought I'd hate working from home, but it's too late now, I'm used to it and I'm not going back."


    "Isn't transport supposed to be one of the evil things that is wrecking the planet?"

    Good point!
