Saturday 13 March 2021

Transgressions:The Sequel...

Yes, I've been put on the naughty step again

What was this all about? Well, there are some people who delight in using Twitter to pour scorn on those who claim that the police farces are overreacting and abusing the law with respect to covid:. 

And after a bit of back and forth and realising that they aren't going to get anywhere with someone who will argue black is white until the cows come home, some just decide not to waste their time:

But I decided not to let the cock continue crowing on the top of his dunghill unopposed, whereupon suddenly blocking and running away became the best idea EVAH!

And so I'm off Twitter until next Friday. I can still be found here, at 'Orphans' and of course, at Gab. 


  1. More proof that if you get blocked on Twatter or Farcebox - particularly if you're drawing attention to the ineptitude and illegality of the Stasi - you're doing it right.

  2. I removed Twitter a couple of months ago after my wife said it made me even more of a miseryguts than usual. It's a sewer that represents 0.1% of opinion.

  3. Julia could you please advise what's the new web address for Orphans of Liberty?
    Many thanks in advance.

  4. I am so proud of you. I am so ashamed of not (yet) having been blocked on Twitter. Keep up the good work.

  5. Thanks all, I'll be back soon!

    Monty, it's

  6. Oh many thanks Julia.
