Thursday 11 March 2021

What, Another One?

A Leigh mum has praised her son after he lodged a petition with Southend Council to build a skatepark.
Joshua Lewsey, who turned 13 on Wednesday, is seeking for a skatepark to be built in Oakwood Park.

Is there a plan to cover Southend entirely in skate parks then? 

The nearest skatepark to Joshua’s Leigh home is an hour’s walk away.

So..? Doesn't skating require good physical condition? The walk will do him good! 

With other teenagers spending the coronavirus pandemic constantly staring at screens while home-schooling and playing video games, Joshua’s mum, Lauren Chalk, is proud of the youngster for looking to benefit the community in these tough times.

*baffled face* 


  1. "Joshua’s mum, Lauren Chalk, is proud of the youngster for looking to benefit the community in these tough times."

    Is he offering to pay for it then?

  2. "The nearest skatepark to Joshua’s Leigh home is an hour’s walk away."

    Why's he walking? Presumably he's carrying a perfectly serviceable skateboard...

    Or would he be going there for the drugs and/or sex/booze or whatever else the scrotes at the one near me get up to. Some of them even drive there and park on the roundabout. (No cars in that view, but that's where they park!.)

  3. "Is he offering to pay for it then?"

    Or organising a PayPal request for the others who want it to contribute? I think we know the answer...

    "Why's he walking? Presumably he's carrying a perfectly serviceable skateboard..."

    Maybe he's not very good yet? 😉
