Thursday 8 April 2021

Dangerous Places, Vigils...

Police have released a picture of the 23-year-old man who was fatally stabbed in south London last night as people gathered for...

A party? 

...a vigil to remember another recent knife attack victim.


Two men suffering from stab wounds left the scene in a vehicle and later attended a hospital where they were both arrested on suspicion of murder.
One of the suspects, thought to be aged in his 30s, assaulted officers and NHS staff before fleeing from hospital following his arrest. Police launched an urgent manhunt and he was returned to custody on Wednesday evening.

Why was he able to flee? Wasn't he handcuffed and guarded? 


  1. I have to admit that I laughed when I read this. To be honest, as long as it is limited to just the stabby folk stabbing each other, I can't say that I'm bothered much. Was this one going to be a footballer or a rapper?

  2. "Why was he able to flee? Wasn't he handcuffed and guarded?"

    Maybe the coppers were hoping that he would crawl off somewhere and bleed to death and save them a job next time.

  3. 2 down but still many to go ...

  4. UK may not really be a particularly racist place but I would not be surprised if there are many people that are fat becoming sick of our immigrant and descendants of recent immigrants and their general behaviour in society, and their costant harping on about racism whilst so many of their kind act as violent drug dealing thugs, and who riot and complain.
    And many people sick of seeing our TV and workplaces overrun with immigrants at the expense of the indigenous population to appease them.

  5. I can tolerate this for as long as they are stabbing plod, or each other.

  6. Hospital guards are a minefield for police. The staff insist on the crim not being handcuffed as it is "intimidating" for them. I have had a few arguments with them about this issue but to shut them up I tell them he's been arrested for a racial assault!!

  7. You really are scum Melvin.

  8. Poor Jaded. Feeling stressed to the max again, dear? Take another sicky and chill on that old bed mattress with some sharp lawn mower jokes.

  9. " To be honest, as long as it is limited to just the stabby folk stabbing each other, I can't say that I'm bothered much."

    I've long felt that way!

    "Hospital guards are a minefield for police. The staff insist on the crim not being handcuffed as it is "intimidating" for them."

    If I roll my eyes any further at the stupidity of some folk, ther's a danger they'll fall out of my head!
