Sunday 4 April 2021

Happy Easter Sunday...

...however you choose to celebrate this rather strange one. 

Normal Bank Holiday service will resume tomorrow.


  1. Happy Easter to you Julia and everyone on here.

  2. Hi a lovely Easter Sunday, until I made the mistake of popping into a little ahop in Bedforshire, not too far from the local Traveller camp. An "Irish" read gypsy man screaming and shouting at the three young teenage assistants for over 10 minutes for some perceived slight, and I thought something is missing here, and then, here it came after the threats, the racism bit over and over.
    Violent scum the lot of them, whatever his initial grudge was, over and over I'll get moiy woife to sort you out.
    Then in came a fat mother with a screaming kid in a pushchair, what I call the English disease, kids shrilly and repeatedly screaming at the slightest provocation and the mother just looking at them.
    Hell is truly other people.

  3. "Happy Easter to you Julia and everyone on here."

    Cheers, hope you too had a good break!

    "Violent scum the lot of them, whatever his initial grudge was, over and over I'll get moiy woife to sort you out."

    The female of that species is very much more deadly than the male!
