Friday 30 April 2021

Here's Hoping He Won't Be Lonely In Prison...

Mitigating, Christopher Holt, told the court Foster was lonely and a troubled teenager.
He said: “He’s a very troubled young man who committed a very serious matter which leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.”

I bet the other cons, should they get their hands on him, will show him what a 'bad taste in the mouth' really means... 

Sentencing Foster, Elizabeth Hunter, chairman of the magistrates’ bench said: “This is a very nasty offence deliberately causing suffering to this cat.
“We’ve heard the distress caused to this family.
“Clearly you have a lot of problems.
“I sentence you to 12 weeks in prison, you will be banned from keeping animals.”
He must pay £228 in costs and compensation.

It's nowhere near long enough. We all know he won't serve the full sentence. But I hope it feels like it. 


  1. I hope he suffers inside. To the extreme. Every day.

  2. There is something very wrong with a justice system that wants other convicted criminals to meet out retribution on its behalf.

  3. "I hope he suffers inside. To the extreme. Every day."

    He won't, he'll be segregated. Hopefully, when he comes out, true justice will arrive.

    "There is something very wrong with a justice system that wants other convicted criminals to meet out retribution on its behalf."

    Oh, it doesn't. He'll be - sadly - well protected. Until he comes out.
