Wednesday 7 April 2021

Musical Interlude - April:"I know that I shall always be a lady to Colonel Pickering, because he always treats me like a lady, and always will."

Another of the great classics of cinema, never mind of musicals, what better to ease us into spring than George Cukor's adaptation of Lerner and Lowe's 'My Fair Lady'? 

Fully deserving of its status of second highest-grossing film of 1964 and its eight Academy Awards, it's a stunning - if pretty unrealistic! - look at London high society and the efforts of an unscrupulous professor to win a bet.

Here's future Sherlock Holmes, a young Jeremy Brett (dubbed by Bill Shirley) with my favourite number:



  1. Thank you for today's fun fact. I didn't know that was Jeremy Brett - one of my favourite Sherlocks.

  2. I'm with you on that, it's my favourite musical by a country mile.
    'I've grown accustomed to her face' cracks me up every time, brilliantly un-sung by Rex H.
    'Street where you live' was my late mother's favourite, especially (bizarrely) if I sang it - she wanted (and got) it at her funeral.
    Wonderfully staged musical, excellent cast, usual credits to Marnie Nixon for her unseen input. Audrey was quite attractive too.

  3. Many thanks for posting "On the Street Where You Live", it brought back wonderful memories. My late grandfather was the manager of the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane where "My Fair Lady" first ran in London and he would frequently play the tunes on his grand piano at home. I feel a strange inclination to dance over to Wimpole Street!

  4. "Thank you for today's fun fact. I didn't know that was Jeremy Brett..."

    Nor did I the first time I saw it, it was only on later showings I realised...

    "Wonderfully staged musical, excellent cast, usual credits to Marnie Nixon for her unseen input."

    It's a perennial favourite - hits all the high spots.

    "I feel a strange inclination to dance over to Wimpole Street!"

    Sadly, I doubt it looks like that these days...
