Tuesday 27 April 2021

No, No, Bears, You're Going About This All Wrong!

Climate change is pushing polar bears to extinction, but a warming world has also created a new animal that will carry on the species' genes - 'pizzly bears.'
Paleontologist Larisa DeSantis told DailyMail.com that polar bears are retreating inland to find food, since sea ice is melting, and are mating with grizzly bears that travel up to Alaska.
'This new type of bear is more resilient to climate change and better suited for warmer temperatures,' said DeSantis.

You shouldn't be adapting to new conditions, you should be rioting and smashing things up and demanding that the world stop doing what it's doing and listen to your demands


  1. Polar bears are Grizzlies that adapted, FFS

  2. "Climate change is pushing polar bears to extinction."
    Wasn't there a report not all that long ago that polar bears were being culled as their numbers were increasing? So which is it?

  3. Maybe this stupid 'scientist' should get out of her ivory tower and try looking in the real world up in the arctic region - or even read the https://polarbearscience.com/ web site.

  4. Dark bears wanting white wives, plus ca change...next they will be rioting when one gets shot

  5. Nice to see a new bear in the world. We don't help the warming situation but we need to adapt quickly. We need to remember we are not fully in an interglacial time yet, the world is warming mainly because we are still coming out of the last ice age. At full interglacial time we have little or no ice at the polls and slowly but surely that's where nature is again taking us again. Those that adapt will survive those that don't will not, its called evolution and it's all about survival of the fittest.

  6. So Darwin was right all along, who'd have thunk it?

  7. Polar bears are not being pushed to extinction, by climate change or anything else. Larisa is either deluded or lying.

  8. But this terrible. Brown bears preferring white mates.
    And she can tell this by studying prehistoric bones. (Thats what paleontologists do. Want a weather forecast? Just get one to cast some bones.)
    You mean bears can be racially identified from their bones? Blasphemy.
    Meanwhile the seals are happy, multiplying, getting fat and clapping their chubby flippers. Cos dem dim bears just can't see dem catching da rays on da beach and have to go cosying up to da brown cousins to get a share of their hunny.

  9. Dem poller bares dem is racist innit dem get all der icebergs and seels and fings an we get nuffink

  10. I really must do something about starting up a new charity. Earth worms are in danger of extinction due to the use of nasty chemicals used in intensive farming. Text WORMS to XXXX to donate £20 for your free worm kit and get a lovely cuddly toy worm. Sounds like a nice little earner.

  11. @Andy
    Are you the one behind the endless donkey charity adverts ? I often wonder about them, anyone with any sense would realise donkeys are not as portrayed, A simple perusal of Last of the Summer Wine would reveal that, just ask Foggy, and it would also inform as to the real villains behind domestic violence, with brooms and trays.
    The evidence is there for all to see.

  12. "Polar bears are Grizzlies that adapted, FFS"


    "Wasn't there a report not all that long ago that polar bears were being culled as their numbers were increasing? So which is it?"

    It's whatever a scientist needs to get a grant at the time!

    " We don't help the warming situation but we need to adapt quickly. "

    Good thing fast adaptation is even more a hallmark of the human race than the ursine one!

    "Are you the one behind the endless donkey charity adverts ? "


    It's the water in Africa ones that irritate me the most.
