Sunday 18 April 2021

Police Social Media Operators, Some Advice...

Always, always, heed the wise words of Admiral Ackbar...

Too late!


  1. The point is whether or not the vehicle had already passed the line when the lights changed, and then found it unsafe to complete the exit, especially if that means passing a further red light or turning right.

    I imagine that Luke will now be hounded by one or more annoyed (and bent) coppers, who will find packets of cannabis or opiates about his person.

  2. That's a brilliant 'gotcha' of officers who plainly believe that road traffic law doesn't apply to them. Nice one!

  3. Clearly a smart arse who drives 100% perfectly.

  4. The van is blocking the pedestrian crossing too. After I had passed my motorcycle test, I learned from the instructors that I had survived a notorious traffic light box junction that was the examiner's favourite. There were yellow hatched areas and pedestrian crossings and it would be easy to end up trapped in the wrong place if you weren't paying attention. This guy would have failed.

  5. A photo still doesn't show what led up to the situation shown in that saved instant of time.
    Course a still photo still would be used just the same to auto fine anyone else who happened to transgress a yellow box junction or similar.
    Just saying like.


  6. What we have here is another dumb plod driver who thinks he is a smart-arse. The real smart-arses know that 'smart-arse' is hyphenated, WC Jaded.

  7. Thanks Melvin. Your pompous corrections of spelling and grammar are a valued contribution on this blog.

  8. Jaded, you have just illustrated why this bloke is now a marked man. As Anonymous's have pointed out, there could have been many reasons why the police van could not safely proceed. The photograph does not prove the van went over the line while the light was red not amber or green. Without dash-cam footage we can't be sure. You could have made a similar point, you could have explained a bit about the procedure when a complaint is made about Police driving. That the driver will be called in and made to explain why the the van ended up there, about how the vans dash cam recording would be reviewed and the driver disciplined/prosecuted if found at fault, instead you chose to have a pop at the OP.

  9. "I imagine that Luke will now be hounded by one or more annoyed (and bent) coppers..."

    Surely AC12 have caught them all?

    "Clearly a smart arse who drives 100% perfectly."

    Certainly proved smarter than the police operator of their social media, eh, Jaded?

    "This guy would have failed."

