Friday 30 April 2021

Quote Of The Month

Longrider on the latest tedious example of wokeness from an institution conquered via that long, long march: 

"Britain is unusual in doing this anyway. Other nations really don’t bother. The French and Germans for example don’t get the obsession with visiting war graves. This is perhaps even more pertinent now that no one is alive who was there or involved. All of which is relevant to the point of apologising. If you go to the Menin Gate, there are long lists of the fallen – including those from the Empire. So what? Attitudes were different a century ago. It happened. To apologise for things people did and said who are now dead and cannot account for themselves now is noxious in the extreme."

1 comment:

  1. Not actually true.

    A friend visited a war cemetery in Belgium, and learned that each grave is tended by two schoolchildren. This is part of their education about war. If anything, countries that were afflicted with land battles and occupation are more conscious of their history than we are.
