Friday 2 April 2021

“...the well-meaning idealism of many young people who claim the country is still institutionally racist is not borne out by the evidence...”

So there! And the usual suspects are furious

A spokesperson for Black Lives Matter UK said that while the report focused on education, “it fails to explore disproportionality in school exclusion, eurocentrism and censorship in the curriculum, or the ongoing attainment gap in higher education.
“We are also disappointed to learn that the report overlooks disproportionality in the criminal justice system – particularly as police racism served as the catalyst for last summer’s protests,” the spokesperson said. “Black people in England and Wales are nine times more likely to be imprisoned than their white peers, and yet, four years on, the recommendations from the Lammy review are yet to be implemented.”
Well, maybe - just maybe - there are other reasons for that than the police and prosecutors all being Grand Dragons in the Ku Klux Klan, eh?
The report does note that some communities are still very affected by historical cases of racism, creating “deep mistrust” in the system, adding: “Both the reality and the perception of unfairness matter.”

Let them think what they like. That doesn't make it true. If they wish to concentrate on things done hundreds of years ago, before even they or their parents were born, that's up to them.  

Sewell said, in a quote released with the report summary: “Creating a successful multi-ethnic society is hard, and racial disparities exist wherever such a society is being forged. The commission believes that if these recommendations are implemented, it will give a further burst of momentum to the story of our country’s progress to a successful multi-ethnic and multicultural community – a beacon to the rest of Europe and the world.”

That beacon seems to have no problem in luring in more and more people of ethnic origin to this country, does it? 


  1. After reading this, and other comments from the "Whitey is racist, in it" crowd, I do wonder why hundreds of people, mainly black, or North African, cross the channel in rubber dinghies to illegally enter what the Burn, Loot, Murder, mob claim to he a racist society? Surely, they should be going the other way if being black in Britain is so horrendous. However, trying to explain this to these morons is like trying to light a match on a jelly - a complete waste of time.

  2. Of course the UK is not a racist country, if it was why would half the world be trying to get here? Manufactured victim status is profitable and can also be blamed for everything that doesn't go your way.

  3. "Surely, they should be going the other way if being black in Britain is so horrendous."

    Quite the puzzle, eh?

    "Manufactured victim status is profitable and can also be blamed for everything that doesn't go your way."

    Spot on!

  4. The release of the Sewell report has told Britons that which we already knew, which is that Britain is not a racist country and hasn't been so since at least the pre-WWII period. Yes we have had periods of racial tension but these tensions have to a large extent all been removed, not so much by legislation, but by the inherent attitudes of Britons. The only people upset by this report are the various race grifters who have not only had their minority (in terms of numbers) voices amplified but who have also done grave damage to various institutions that they've been allowed to influence ranging from education through to policing.

    Britain is not like the US when it comes to race relations and it is both foolish and dangerous to import US racial attitudes to the UK where they do not belong. Evidence for such a difference comes from the advice that US servicemen had to be given when stationed in the UK during WWII that Britain does not have a colour bar and to not be shocked by such things as a lack of segregation in pubs or inter racial relationships.

    The Sewell report must be correct because the sort of groups that are attacking it are the very same groups that want to bring division instead of harmony.

  5. "The Sewell report must be correct because the sort of groups that are attacking it are the very same groups that want to bring division instead of harmony."

    When you're getting flak, it's because you're over the target!
