Tuesday 18 May 2021

But He Is 'Upholding Trust In The Profession' - Unlike MMU...

A teacher trainee was hauled before a fitness to practise meeting after saying...

Wait, wait! *settles in with popcorn* 

...he 'would not hesitate' to use images of the Prophet Mohammed in a class - sparking a fierce backlash from freedom of speech advocates.

Good! It's about time someone started fighting back. Clearly, the Department of Education isn't up to it. 

The Batley, West Yorkshire teacher and his family are still under police protection, and the threat to their safety is judged as so severe that even their relatives do not know where they are now living, more than six weeks after fleeing their home.

That this can happen in 2021 in a functioning First World democracy is a stain on Britain's reputation. And that the establishment, in the form of the educational block, has decided to punish those who speak out against it is yet a further reminder of how debased it now is... 

The MMU student, who is set to complete his Postgraduate Certificate in Education course this summer, had written an email to his course leader on April 1 saying he worried about the 'cowardly response from the unions and other bodies connected to teaching', The Telegraph reports.
'I would like to know whether or not MMU is prepared to stand up for any student who finds themselves in a similar position,' he added, arguing that the protests which arose amid the row were a 'clear attempt to enforce a de facto blasphemy law on teachers and schools'.

Well, now you know! The answer's a resounding 'No'. 

The fitness meeting could result in a referral to a Fitness to Practise Panel following the MMU student's comments claiming he would be willing to show the picture of Mohammed in class, he was told.
The head of department told him it could be a breach of Teachers' Standards - which include upholding 'public trust in the profession'.

He's doing that. You're most definitely not! 


  1. I know who'd I'd trust more to teach my child honesty and critical thinking and it's not the teachers union or MMU, it's this student teacher who is most likely to lose his career at the behest of the cowardly wokeists before it's even begun.

  2. They have virtually completed "The long march through the institutions" - Rudi Dutschke (1967).

  3. I have been seriously angered by the content of the latest issue of CAM magazine that is sent to be by my old university. There is a big article about Islam, that starts "In a time when Islam is increasingly portrayed as incompatible with western values....."

    Portrayed? I'm wondering in what regard this "portrayal" is incorrect, if a teacher is in fear of his life for saying he would do (and not actually doing) somthing that would offend its adherents.

  4. "upholding 'public trust in the profession'" Rhymes well with "promoting Marxist dogma and giving in to wokeist terrorists".

  5. Breaking: Darwin in naked expedition shocker... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9591539/The-Galapagos-Islands-Darwins-Arch-collapses.html

  6. By what stretch of the imagination could anyone call UK a functioning democracy? Free speech is all but dead with people living in fear of their lives for showing school pupils a drawing and we enjoy rampant no platforming of those with different views. Our head of state is an unelected monarch, born in the right bed of presumably the right parents. We have over 800 unelected Lords handing down dictates to the plebs at over 300 Pounds a day, need I go on? Some functioning democracy.

  7. "What a bunch of cowards"

    And I doubt they are unusual in that, either...

    "They have virtually completed "The long march through the institutions" - Rudi Dutschke (1967)."

    Gutted them out and wear their skins as trophies.

    "Portrayed? I'm wondering in what regard this "portrayal" is incorrect, if a teacher is in fear of his life for saying he would do (and not actually doing) somthing that would offend its adherents."

    It's total cognitive dissonance.

    "Breaking: Darwin in naked expedition shocker..."


    "By what stretch of the imagination could anyone call UK a functioning democracy?"

    Good point.
