Friday 28 May 2021

Strange How You Have To Go Back Decades Though...

Dr Nadira Mirza, who is also the deputy chair of Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, says that last year's events - in which Floyd, a black man, was killed by white police officer Derek Chauvin - highlighted how "racism still seems to be ingrained in society".
Dr Mirza says that racism is not a new issue, adding that she faced her own struggles when she first moved to Bradford as an academic in the late 1970s - at a time when South Asian women like herself were "rarely seen" in higher education settings.

Surely if it's so prevalent in society you should have an anecdote or two from last month? 

Even last year? 


  1. Fee fi fo fum, I smell a race grifting bum.

  2. All true, plus these are the same people who can't wait for the bodies to cool before they start telling we need to 'move on' from the latest jihadist attack, and anyway, it's just a 'tiny minority' so Y U gotta be so mean about it you bigot?

  3. “...was killed by white police officer Derek Chauvin...”

    How many fingers, Winston Smith?

  4. "Dr Nadira Mirza, who is also the deputy chair of Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, says that last year's events - in which Floyd, a black man, was killed by white police officer Derek Chauvin."
    So, I am assuming that Dr Mirza has the power of second sight and that she alrady knows what the jury result will be, even though it is a foregone conclusion that, even if St George of Floyd was seen to be holding a gun to his temple and pulling the trigger, his death would be attributed to the white Police.
    Perhaps the good doctor would also care to comment on the death of David Dorn, a black man, shot and killed by a black man, for trying to stop a mob from looting a neighbourhood store owned by a black family? Or, perhaps the good doctor would care to comment on the death of 5 years old Secoria Taylor, a black girl, killed by a black man who fired at her father's car when he tried to avoid a road block of a BLM mob?
    I regret I can't name the the two 3 years old black twins, who were burnt to death, trapped in their car seats when BLM rioters set fire to their parents car, knowing there were children inside.
    I will not refer to the death of Justin Dimond who, unarmed and in her pyjamas, approached a marked Police vehicle after reporting a crime in progress, and wa shot and killed by a black Police officer. The fact that Miss Dimond was white probably has no bearing on the situation.
    This is the problem of these tunnel visioned, single issue focused, morons who claim that black really is beautiful, and innocent of everything and, even when they do go over the top, it's all the fault of white people.
    Eventually, the pot will boil over and there will eventually be a fight back by those who have reached the end of their tether.

  5. I faced some struggles when I lived in France. It was because I was not French -- nothing to do with race at all.

  6. "All true, plus these are the same people who can't wait for the bodies to cool before they start telling we need to 'move on' from the latest jihadist attack..."

    Spot on!

    "Perhaps the good doctor would also care to comment on the death of David Dorn, a black man, shot and killed by a black man, for trying to stop a mob from looting a neighbourhood store owned by a black family?"

    I expect if you asked her, she wouldn't recognise any of those names...

    "I faced some struggles when I lived in France. It was because I was not French -- nothing to do with race at all."

