Monday 31 May 2021

Well, We Could Lock The Little Thugs Up..?

At a meeting to discuss community safety following the deaths of Junior and Fares Maatou, resident Mohammad Uddin asked what happened when a young person is under threat.
He said: "It was just really strange for me and others to hear that [Junior] was let back into the community straight after he was attacked, even though he was vulnerable."
Mr Uddin asked: "What is being done to coordinate a response if something happens, if there is a threat or intelligence of an incident? How can people be taken out of situations which may be harmful for them?"

...but then I expect people like you wouldn't like that either.

A Met spokesperson said: "They were taken to hospital by paramedics where their injuries were not life threatening."
She added that both victims had decided not to support an allegation. Enquiries led to the arrest of a 29-year-old man on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent.
However, he was released with no further action.

What else can they do? 

If Junior was determined to keep his appointment in Sammara, who are the police to stand in his way? 

Keisha McLeod, mother of Corey Junior Davis who was killed in 2017, said the deaths of Junior and Fares made it feel as if she had lost her son all over again.
Ms McLeod said children in Newham have an embedded fear and distrust towards services.

It's not 'services' that are killing them on the streets, it's their own community! 

The police are, understandably, a little frustrated: 

Det Ch Supt Tucker replied: "I can understand why people don't get on with police because we are the enforcers.
"People going around killing people? There should be such a robust response. If you know something, you've got a duty as a citizen to tell the police.
"When all these children say they don't trust the police, do we challenge them? Why not? It's too easy to criticise."

Indeed it is. 


  1. Something about the skin colour and the religion that I can't put my finger on.

  2. I'm a totally law abiding middle aged white person and I don't trust the police. Why would that be?

  3. "Something about the skin colour and the religion that I can't put my finger on."

    And wouldn't want to..? ;)

    "I'm a totally law abiding middle aged white person and I don't trust the police. Why would that be?"

    Because they appear to have dedicated the last 20 years ensuring this is the attitude now of every law abiding middle aged white person?
