Saturday 1 May 2021

When Did 'Accuse' Become 'Speak Out'...?

And is it just me who feels that the use of language is being twisted deliberately here..?

does not dispute it received anonymous emails and reports of allegations via intermediaries, but said it was provided with no evidence that would allow it to investigate.

And when did a film & tv awards committee become a branch of the judiciary? Don't even get me started on the insanity of taking the finale of a drama series he was involved in off simply because he's become an 'unperson'...


  1. Race card incoming.
    Let's see if the twitterati will support a black man or female victims.
    Could be interesting .

  2. We've finally found one. A black man who can't blame systemic racism for his poor life choices.

  3. "Trial by media" becomes "judgement by luvvies" just when we thought justice was far enough down the toilet.

  4. Muslims have been getting away with it for years with stunning silence from the twitter twats and many others...

  5. When is the next TV nicking protest ?

    Black Letches Matter

  6. "Let's see if the twitterati will support a black man or female victims.
    Could be interesting ."

    The prevailing wind is blowing towards 'female victims'. I think he's overextended his Race Card's line of credit.

    It's interesting though to see who he'll take down with him. John Barrowman must be quaking in his boots.

    "Black Letches Matter"

