Monday 10 May 2021

"Why Are The Police So Brutal With A 16 Year Old Boy..?"

A man who shot the video told The Standard: “I was worried because he was starting to sound in agony, they removed the cuffs because he was complaining of pain and he started crying which they ignored and continued.
“I was a little worried because of how his arm was bending and they were asking him to roll over at one point while one of the officers had their bodyweight all on his legs.
“I felt their actions were over the top. I don’t believe that they helped the situation with brute force. At one point the officer had his knee over the man's crotch.
“He brought out the pepper spray after he pushed a man down who hadn’t moved. I did at one point feel like he was going to pepper spray the vicinity.”
The big meanies, picking on a poor 16 year old lad, what possible crime could he have committed? 

What sort of threat could they have faced from him?


  1. He's a victim, I tell you! We'll wait eagerly for the defence victimhood submissions . . .

  2. Poor young mite, barely more than a child.... except when it's election time, in which case he should totally be allowed to vote.

  3. at around 3.45pm, before boarding a train to Kings Cross.

    “The service was met by officers shortly after 11pm"

    A few more facts might not come amiss. Either it was a bloody slow train ot the Peterborough police were not exactly exerting themselves.

  4. Viscerally liberal idiots excuse and encourage this behaviour. Maybe unwittingly, but that's due to a dearth in the wits department.

  5. Let me tell you about "young black males" I went to London on Sunday (see my post) and on the tubes and on the train, everyone was obeying the rule about wearing masks (whatever your opinion, it is a rule) with the exception of every single black person we encountered on the train and tube, NONE of them obeying the rule.

  6. This poor boy had assaulted a young girl further up the line which is why the police were waiting for him.
    He was also in possession of drugs and he was breaching bail conditions.
    But don't worry, he's the victim here.

  7. "Poor young mite, barely more than a child.... except when it's election time..."

    Spot on!

    "A few more facts might not come amiss. Either it was a bloody slow train ot the Peterborough police were not exactly exerting themselves."

    Ooh, I missed that titbit!

    "...with the exception of every single black person we encountered on the train and tube, NONE of them obeying the rule."

    I guess the difference in ethnic groups' infection levels are no mystery.

    "But don't worry, he's the victim here."

    The idiots wailing from the sidelines will sing a different tune when they fall prey, I'll bet...
