Thursday 27 May 2021

Yes, I Wonder Too...

Was sent this by a reader, who said:
"Went for a Covid Test here in Gloucester yesterday. They gave me a piece of paper (below) which presumably they have handed out to tens or even hundreds of thousands of people. I wonder what sort of "career" can do that."

Answers on a postcard?

H/T:Clive Day via email


  1. Oh come on, it's just a typo, you know it's supposed to say carer.

  2. And the wuflu shambles careers along . . .

  3. It would be even better if I could read the NHS sheet - the eyes can't read the microscopic these days. Any chance of changing it to larger size in 'compose'?

  4. "Oh come on, it's just a typo, you know it's supposed to say carer."

    That could be it, who knows?

    "Any chance of changing it to larger size in 'compose'?"

    Your wish is my command!
