Thursday 6 May 2021

You're Asking It From The Wrong People...

In a powerful statement, his family say Ronaldo was a talented athlete who had simply gone out with a friend and never made it home.

Perhaps his choice of friend could have been better, then.  

"As a backseat passenger of his friend’s car, Ronaldo sustained serious injuries after their drive ended in a collision brought about by a police pursuit."

No, actually, brought about solely by the actions of the driver who ran a red light, then decided not to stop for police... 

"There is an investigation into Ronaldo’s death by the IOPC and as a family we hope the police officer and the driver of the car my brother was a passenger in are dealt with in accordance of the law."

Me too. I hope the driver has the book thrown at him, and the police officer is commended for doing his job in stopping this menace before he injured more people. 

You'll note there's no mention of the taxi driver and passenger who had to be cut free from the wreckage when they were hit in this 'powerful statement'. 

Maybe they don't matter? 


  1. And just like in the post below, the same MSM which is so pious about no-platforming alleged right-wing extremists (aka censorship) has no qualms about giving soft-focus coverage to unrepentant scumbags.

  2. "No, actually, brought about solely by the actions of the driver who ran a red light, then decided not to stop for police... "

    In one.

  3. An accident that happened at 3.45am. On a Wednesday. So presumably not working or studying then.

  4. "...a collision brought about by a police pursuit..."

    Time and time again I read similar rubbish in the MSM.

    The actual truth is "a collision brought about by a foolhardy attempt to evade the police."

    Wouldn't it be nice if facts were reported factually, and the agitprop dispensed with?

  5. These disastrous law-enforcement pursuits are so common that they barely makes news unless the 'result' trawls a scoop or merits extra points in plod road games. A smiley photo shoot alongside the corpse, for example.

    A roll of cannabis or a driver 'nicked' for jumping a red light, are often the most plod can harvest by triggering the staggering hazards and risks that may easily terminate in carnage. The death of the suspect or some totally innocent motorist or bystanders, can be the consequences of many insane, plod road games. Without a single, smarter alternative idea forthcoming from plod (did you expect one?) the tally of dead continues to mount.

    Please remember, JuliaM, that every one of your motoring journeys carries your risk of involvement in one of these smashes and a personal loss or injury to yourself. And good luck with suing Plod for damages. You will have need of it.

  6. Ted, stop reading their bullshit!

    It's such a relief when, after just a few days without the relentless one-sided crap emitted by the MSM, you feel as if a great weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

    No TV 'news' for me anymore - and since the last house pet died I have no need for newspapers either.

  7. I looked at the family photo, and one of the 'girls' (the one on the left) looks like a bloke in drag to me. Interesting that there's no father figure in evidence, presumably he took the photo (using an extremely long focus lens!)

  8. Yes Melvin, any driver that doesn't feel like stopping for the police should just be allowed to drive away without consequences.
    What if this car had a boot full of stolen lawnmowers? Different story then.

  9. @ WC Jaded

    Obviously, there are those with such narrow limits on their comprehension as to completely misunderstand the most basic statements. It would be utterly stupid to advocate crime without punishment...and I have never done so.

    What a joyous relief it must have been for your Junior School classmates, the day you were permanently dispatched to your 'Special School'.

  10. "...the same MSM which is so pious about no-platforming alleged right-wing extremists (aka censorship) has no qualms about giving soft-focus coverage to unrepentant scumbags."

    *sighs* Yes, they don't even bother to hide it.

    "So presumably not working or studying then."


    "Wouldn't it be nice if facts were reported factually, and the agitprop dispensed with?"

    Nice? It'd be a miracle!

    "Interesting that there's no father figure in evidence..."

    Out working hard to feed his family? 😉

    "What if this car had a boot full of stolen lawnmowers? "

