Friday 2 July 2021

Claiming Victory At Any Price...

Labour has narrowly won the Batley and Spen byelection, holding on to the West Yorkshire seat after a hotly contested campaign.
'Holding on' by their fingernails, that is.
The result eases the pressure on Labour’s leader, Keir Starmer, after a humiliating defeat in Hartlepool in May.
I'm not sure that reducing a 3,525 majority to a 300+ one is a ringing endorsement, is it?


  1. I am happy with the result, even though I'm a Tory.

    Critical points are that we need an Opposition. Secondly, it is showing up Labour for what it is, and Keir Starmer too, so the rest of the country knows. The Leadbeater woman isn't going to be much of an addition to the Labour Opposition, now, is she? Finally, do COnservatives really want to have to represent Batshit And Spent constituency?

  2. I am happy with the result, even though I'm a Tory.

    Critical points are that we need an Opposition. Secondly, it is showing up Labour for what it is, and Keir Starmer too, so the rest of the country knows. The Leadbeater woman isn't going to be much of an addition to the Labour Opposition, now, is she? Finally, do Conservatives really want to have to represent Batshit And Spent constituency?

  3. "Critical points are that we need an Opposition. Secondly, it is showing up Labour for what it is, and Keir Starmer too, so the rest of the country knows."

    I fear that the real opposition, when it comes, will make us long for the likes of Starmer...
