Thursday 29 July 2021

Detective Constable Peter Burrows Deserves An Oscar...

...for this amazing job of pretending that this is a success:

Stone, of no fixed address, went on to plead guilty to a charge of grievous bodily harm with intent.
At a Nottingham Crown Court hearing earlier this week she was jailed for three years.

Three years? What did she do, hit him with a rolling pin? 

“The force of the blow to his face resulted in the knife penetrating into his brain. He had to have his eye removed and is due to be fitted with a false eye.
“I am pleased to see this result from court and that she has been handed a lengthy prison term for her serious crime.”

She should be laughing all the way to the early parole, because if the sexes were reversed, there's no way he'd be getting off so lightly...

H/T: InspGadget via Twitter


  1. Some skulls totally defy penetration.

    Here we see an example of one burrowed in name only.

  2. I wonder why it's hard to recruit good quality police officers these days? Could it be that they get absolutely pathetic back up from the courts. Do the judges really want to see the return of self help and vigilante justice thereby freeing the courts to deal with dangerous pensioners who haven't paid a TV licence etc?

  3. Huddersfield half-wit strikes again.

    These quotes after trial are often made up by the police media unit. If you notice they all sound the same, usually "sending a strong message " or numerous usages of the word " community ".
    I was contacted after a trial for a quote and I told our PR department not to mention my name or quote me ( I have an usual surname). They just made something up instead.

  4. "Here we see an example of one burrowed in name only."


    "I wonder why it's hard to recruit good quality police officers these days? Could it be that they get absolutely pathetic back up from the courts."

    A lot of my job is futile or wasteful too, thanks to idiot decisions by supposedly 'higher level' employees. Doesn't mean I can do less than my best, of course.

    "These quotes after trial are often made up by the police media unit."

    Isn't this fraud?
