Friday 9 July 2021

Given It's Croydon, I'm Only Surprised It Wasn't From A Gun...

Janet, 26, who lives in Crystal Palace, was about to tuck into them with her daughter over the weekend when four-year-old exclaimed that she'd found something on one of them.
"We washed them twice including with some bicarbonate of soda (Ed: I prefer cream and sugar on mine!), and then we left to dry out. Then my daughter picked out one she wanted and said: 'Mum there's a bug on it, there's a bug on it!'

Your child is going to fail at school if she confuses molluscs with insects... 

Janet called the company's customer service and was offered a five pound gift card in response, something she didn't consider wholly adequate.

What a shock! 


  1. Who but a serious paranoiac would wash their strawberries in bicarb?

  2. Anyone who knows anything about growing stuff would know that the odd small herbivore is going to get into the produce from time to time. It is pretty much inevitable and it's surprising that it occurs so rarely. If it had been me I would have disposed of the offending object, washed the strawberries again and forgotten about it.

  3. Anyone who finds stuff in food is always just about to 'Tuck In'

  4. Why accept a reasonable offer of compensation when you can have your five minutes of fame?

  5. Janet is apparently a pathetic attention-seeker with no grasp of reality

  6. Amazing! Amongst all the stabbings, killings, riots, bad behaviour etc, that silly little rag finds a slug story!

    I think I'll put Croydon on my no-go area for good now - I never really liked it back when I had to go and work there in the seventies...

  7. I'm sad there are no sad-face photos.

  8. "Who but a serious paranoiac would wash their strawberries in bicarb?"

    I know! It's when you see something like this, you really wonder at what's going on in some people's heads...

    "Anyone who knows anything about growing stuff.."

    I'll stop you right there, then! A pound to a penny she's never even grown cress and mustard on a damp cloth!

    "Why accept a reasonable offer of compensation when you can have your five minutes of fame?"

    Modern priorities!

    "I'm sad there are no sad-face photos."

    I'm astounded there aren't!
