Friday 16 July 2021

One For Priti's Deportation List...

Khadim Drame, who was called a 'promising young footballer', told the 45-year-old victim she was 'pretty and sexy' after following her from the bus stop in Aston Lane, Birmingham Crown Court heard.
When she rejected his advances, the then 18-year-old 'waved a bundle of cash' at her before raping her in a grassy area on Witton Lane behind Villa Park, the home of Aston Villa FC.

Feel the enrichment, folks! 

Drame, of Aston, also threatened to kill her if she pulled up her trousers during the petrifying ordeal on March 15 last year.
The rapist, now 20, initially denied a charge of rape but changed his plea to guilty on the second day of the trial after CCTV was played to the jury.
He was yesterday sentenced to 10 years and six months in a young offenders' institute at Birmingham Crown Court as the judge branded the attack 'every woman's worst nightmare'.

Why is he here? Is this a home-grown rapist? Reader, he is not: 

Judge Martin Hurst, sentencing, told Drame he would inevitably lose his career as a footballer after the court heard he had been playing at a 'high level'. He told him: 'You are now 20 years of age. At the time of the offence you were 18, nearly 19.
In 2019 you came to this country to take up an apprenticeship at Aston Villa Football Club.'

Then he should be on the first plane back after 10 years are up, shouldn't he? Oh, sorry, what am I saying. He's not even going to serve that, is he? 

Drame will serve seven-and-a-half years in the young offenders' institute before being eligible for release and will spend the remaining three years on extended licence.



  1. This is not one of those 'either / or' rape cases where there is very little evidence to show the defendant's guilt or a hook up that went wrong, this was a case with plenty of evidence to show that the victim was unwilling and that there was violence involved. Ten years is a fair sentence but it should be accompanied by deportaton. Release on licence isn't good enough as with a record for this sort of offence it's unlikely that he will end up being employed in any contributory capacity and will most likely end up as a burden not just on the nation but on the welfare state.

  2. At this point, I'm not even offended so much by the fact our newly-appointed Guardian of Public Morals (and Villa player) Tyrone Mings won't say a word about this as by the fact no one in the MSM will point this out.

  3. IN my view, his corpse should be burnt and the ashes sent back to wherever the bastard came from.

  4. Waiting for Patel to do anything decisive is rather a long job.

  5. "Ten years is a fair sentence but it should be accompanied by deportaton."

    I'd prefer deportation on sentence to serve his time in a prison of his home country.

    "At this point, I'm not even offended so much by the fact our newly-appointed Guardian of Public Morals (and Villa player) Tyrone Mings won't say a word about this as by the fact no one in the MSM will point this out."

    Indeed... 😒

    "One less penalty taker."

