Thursday 8 July 2021

Only In The 'Guardian' Could This Be Judged A Bad Thing...

So are council snatch squads going street to street sweeping up all foreign rough sleepers? Reader, they are not:

New government guidance published in April 2021 states that migrant rough sleepers could have their permission to remain in the UK refused or cancelled if they have “repeatedly refused suitable offers of support and engaged in persistent antisocial behaviour”.

Who could possibly object to this? Well, of course, it's the usual suspects... 

Following the introduction of the new Home Office guidance in April of this year lawyers, charities and trades unions have raised the alarm that migrant rough sleepers might once again be rounded up and removed from the UK.

The lawyers, trades unions and charities are clearly concerned that they may lose some of their flock; got to keep that aid and grant money rolling in, after all! 

A report launched on Thursday by Public Interest Law Centre – Still Here: Defending the Rights of Homeless EU Citizens after Brexit and Covid-19 – has identified some groups of EU citizens who will be particularly vulnerable to removal now that the deadline for EUSS applications has passed.

Good of them to give the Home Office some pointers! 

Those at risk include working-class people from eastern and central Europe, people of colour and victims of domestic violence. The report calls for a culture change and a rights-based approach to protect these groups.

What about a rights-based approach to the UK citizens with a right to live here, and who don't hang around in shop doorways begging, for a change? 


  1. "So are council snatch squads going street to street sweeping up all foreign rough sleepers? Reader, they are not:"


    "Those at risk include [...] people of colour"

    Are we just supposed to let 'people of colour' do whatever the hell they want these days, just because of their skin tone? I'm so sick of hearing about the woes of various dark skinned folk.

  2. Sooner rather than later, that Begum thing will be back in a council house, I just wish Bernie Winters took some responsibilty for her

  3. Councils providing information that could end up with the removal of illegal, non-contributory or burdensome migrants, at last some value for the horrendous levels of council tax that we pay.

  4. Nothing like rough sleepers and drunks scattered around the High Street to make it a pleasure to visit. Throw in a few aggressive beggar's, which rough sleepers often seem to be around here, and the recovery of the High Street is assured.

  5. Pertsonally, I think all 'homeless immigrants' be moved to the northern part of Islington so that the woke hoipoloi can have a fine practical taste of their political views. In the meantime, perhaps all of those who publicly stated they would take these 'immigrants' into their homes, have actually done so. The figures being given, daily, on national news.

  6. I thought all these immigrants were doctors and scientists and were an asset to our society?

  7. "Bugger"

    My thoughts exactly!

    "Are we just supposed to let 'people of colour' do whatever the hell they want these days..."

    It seems to be the way things are heading, doesn't it?

    " last some value for the horrendous levels of council tax that we pay."

    It's certainly not going on street cleaning!

    "Nothing like rough sleepers and drunks scattered around the High Street to make it a pleasure to visit."

    I wanted to go to Canary Wharf yesterday, to spend a few hours in the little park between station entrances, for PokemonGo Fest.

    As the District Line was out, I had to take a bus to Barking. What's the first thing I see getting off at the station? Drunks fast asleep on the pavements. Three of them... 😒

    "...I think all 'homeless immigrants' be moved to the northern part of Islington so that the woke hoipoloi can have a fine practical taste of their political views."

    Preferably, into their front gardens.

    "I thought all these immigrants were doctors and scientists and were an asset to our society?"

    That's what we keep being told. It's almost like they think we won't rely on the evidence of our own eyes.
