Saturday 3 July 2021

Perhaps It's All That Heading The Ball That Does It...

Kelvin Odichukumma Igweani, 24, was pronounced dead at the scene after an officer fired four shots, Milton Keynes Coroner's Court was told.
This comes hot on the heels of the cop sent to deal with another ex-footballer headcase threatening his family getting convicted of 'brutality' in subduing him. 

Let's hope the cop who put down this savage doesn't also face charges...


  1. All footballers are potential killers and best dealt with by multiple tasering followed by a few rounds of exploding bullets, JuliaM.

    So here's hoping that real justice prevails on this occasion. After all, the two executions you have compared, share almost identical circumstances. And good citizens should always believe plod accounts implicitly, simply because there are no insane, murdering bastards in uniform supported by evil, complicit scum, are 'their?

    Oh, hang on....

  2. I'm taking a knee just in case.

  3. The two cases aren't just apples and oranges, they're apples and anacondas. In the Milton Keynes case a murder had been committed already and a child was obviously in imminent danger of serious harm. Well done officer, commendation in order.

    Dalian Atkinson was distressed and ill and hadn't physically harmed anyone, his father was concerned for his son's safety. The cop who overrode the trigger on his taser because he was enjoying himself then kicked him twice in the forehead as he lay on the ground, leaving shoelace imprints. Said cop who'd been found guilty of gross misconduct previously in concealing his past cautions for theft and drunkenness. Not to mention the WPC (his girlfriend) weighing in with her baton after he'd finished.

  4. He looks like a murderer, doesn't he?

  5. Melvin, this footballer was a murderer. I'm sure you don't give a toss about his victim in this case in your insane rants against the police.

  6. For many years, I remained sceptical regarding your public boast of a 28,880,000 neuron count, WC Jaded. When you thoughtfully furnished medical evidence, all uncertainty was dispelled. Since my own neuron stock is no better than average, I am left to marvel at your miraculous level of comprehension.

    Whomsoever should be lost to this deep reverie will resist scoffing at your other public claims to being 'educatid' and middle class.

  7. A well known Scottish name for some one of doubtful intelect.
    Heid-the-baw. Aye, him.

  8. "All footballers are potential killers and best dealt with by multiple tasering followed by a few rounds of exploding bullets, JuliaM."

    'Exploding bullets', Melvin? Have you been watching 'Logan's Run' again?

    "I'm taking a knee just in case."


    "The two cases aren't just apples and oranges, they're apples and anacondas. ...
    Dalian Atkinson was distressed and ill and hadn't physically harmed anyone..."

    So should be given the chance to? Like a dog should always be granted one bite? To hell with that!

    And I'm not about to critiscise a man for his actions in a 'fight or flight' response, when adrenaline is coursing. Not when he might be putting himself between me and a madman.

    I'll happily go to town on a cop who abuses prisoners in cold blood. But that's not the case here.

    "A well known Scottish name for some one of doubtful intelect."


  9. 'Exploding bullets', Melvin? Have you been watching 'Logan's Run' again?

    Unlike our military, the Farce is NOT covered by the Hague Convention. Mr Plod is therefore free to use ANY ammunition he considers to be effective, including expanding bullets such as hollow-point. Arguably, the latter do not actually 'explode' in the body but so finely fragment upon impact as to make the distinction between 'exploding' and 'expanding', academic. Even a single hit with this ammunition is potentially lethal because what is rarely acknowledged by police or their dumbest supporters, is that subsequent removal by surgery is rendered impossible. Your small screen is the only source of those examples of successful operations where a bullet is removed by forceps and 'clunked' into a metal dish, dear.

    I hope the above helps and commend your interest in Logan's Run. Doesn't fiction have a nasty habit of becoming reality; being as much as some people thoroughly deserve?

  10. As a long time player of hunting games and reader of spy fiction, I'm fully aware of the properties of so-called 'exploding' bullets. And also why, in the sort of actions armed cops are likely to be involved in, they are necessary...
