Friday 13 August 2021

'Don't Give Them A Licence'? Yeah, That'll Work...

An international puppy smuggling ring has been jailed for a total of 18 years for selling animals online that had been so badly treated they died before they new owners got them home.

International ring? Is this the dastardly Eastern Europeans again? 

The gang of smugglers, many of them from the Irish Cawley traveller family...

Ah, of course. 

...made more than £300,000 in a sophisticated fraud designed to dupe innocent dog owner's out of their hard-earned cash.

I wonder why HMRC don't take as big an interest as they do in TV stars? I guess squalid caravan sites don't hold the same appeal as plush London offices...

Today after a two-day sentencing hearing at Aylesbury Crown Court, Judge Sheridan said: 'Not one of the defendants in this case should ever be given a licence to breed animals.'

Oh, bless! Judge Sheridan thinks this would make a blind bit of difference!  

'The effects referred to in this case cannot be regarded by the public as anything other than utterly abhorrent.
'This is a trade in cruelty and misery for the animals and the human beings who sought to buy them. The protection of the public must be foremost in my mind.
'This is a massive industry and that is all it is, an industry of misery.'

It's the only sort of 'work' they are ever likely to indulge in. 


  1. Unfortunately the take home message for the criminal gang (based on sentencing) is to always use youths and youngish women when perpetrating animal cruelty frauds.

    Drug runners already know this.
