Friday 20 August 2021

Go Meet With Them, Paul....

Activists from the Brighton chapter of Animal Rebellion held the sit-in protest in the chain's Western Road outlet at noon last Saturday.
The protest included "occupying" areas of the restaurant and eating vegan food that activists had taken along to the restaurant.
Animal Rebellion demand that McDonald's transition to plant-based food by 2025.
It says it will "continue to disrupt business as usual for them" until it gets to speak to the UK CEO Paul Pomroy and its "demands are met".
...listen to their raving politely, then stand up, tell them to fuck off, and walk out. 

Film it and stick it on YouTube. I guarantee sales will go through the roof!


  1. I wonder if this chapter of loonies has a permanent office or building from which they plan their campaigns. How interesting it would be if a group of meat eaters were to sit in their office, munching away at Hunky Burgers, or whatever, demanding this group change their culinary outlook by 2025. On the other hand, we all have better things to do. Still, it's a thought.

  2. "Animal Rebellion demand that McDonald's transition to plant-based food by 2025."

    Am I the only person who finds this to be utterly hilarious? Demand? Who the hell do you people think you are? Do you honestly imagine that you have some kind of authority? Are you really so deluded as to think that your pathetic posturing is going to force a major multinational company to abandon their massively successful business that is based mainly on the sale of beef burgers and start selling vegan crap in order to appease the likes of you?

  3. Once again with "demands." People who make demands need to be told very firmly that demanding gets nowhere.

  4. There was a similar occurrence in Taunton recently (and plod attended but did damn all!)
    If these revolting people had actually been "customers" of McD (maybe having bought a dairy free tea or coffee?) then maybe they have the right to ask the business to reconsider. In the meantime, what was Private Eye's response in "Arkell vs Pressdram"?

  5. " How interesting it would be if a group of meat eaters were to sit in their office, munching away at Hunky Burgers, or whatever..."

    Heh! Sauce for the goose - I like it!

    "Am I the only person who finds this to be utterly hilarious? "

    Nope! It's an indicator of how deranged these people are.

    "Once again with "demands." People who make demands need to be told very firmly that demanding gets nowhere."

    That should be true. Sadly, these days, it often isn't. Depending, of course, on who is doing the demanding...

  6. Frankly the whole of Brighton is full of arseholes.

    The town should be nuked from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
