Monday 2 August 2021

Guess The Colour...

The Metropolitan Police said that officers were called to a home in James Gardens in Wood Green north London at around 8.10pm on Thursday following concerns for the welfare of a male occupant.
The man, who was in his 30s, was reported to be in possession of a knife and behaving erratically and the people with him were “extremely concerned” at his behaviour, police added.

Translation: mental patient with a knife. 

The force said that, when officers arrived, they found the man in “clear distress” and tried to calm him down before realising he required medical help and calling the London Ambulance Service (LAS).
Officers feared that the man may harm himself or other people so placed him briefly in handcuffs, the Met added.

Translation: dangerous mental patient with a knife. 

He was then transported by the LAS to a north London hospital where his condition deteriorated and he died just before 7pm on Saturday.

Translation: mental patient with probable self-inflicted knife wounds. 

Chief Superintendent Treena Fleming said “I would respectfully ask that people avoid speculation at this time.
“A full review of body-worn video will take place and accounts will be obtained from the officers and any other witnesses to the incident.
“Again, I would stress that such actions are usual in these cases so that we are as transparent as possible in such circumstances and I will ensure that we release further information on the incident as and when we are able to.”

Translation: black mental patient... 


  1. yes ! black men in london are so terrible that's why white british females in london have had and are having so many of our babies !

  2. Our screwed up society generated nutters at a tremendous rate, we import a shed lot more and we are bringing up our children to be wimps. Everyone seems to have some sort of mental problem atm and it looks like it is the new norm.

    All that and we have no real plan for dealing with them except let them go crazy and kill people. It's the great rest only much slower.

  3. Lord T it's a big money spinner, just work out how much the drug industry makes out of just one child condemned to a lifetime of pill taking. Get them on some pills for life and give them an excuse for anything and everything they do for a lifetime it even supports the so called justice system and the legal aid sucking lawyers.

  4. "...that's why white british females in london have had and are having so many of our babies !"

    Only a certain type, IYKWIMAITYD...

    "Our screwed up society generated nutters at a tremendous rate..."

    And we haven't even felt the full effects of lockdown. Yet.

    "Get them on some pills for life and give them an excuse for anything and everything they do for a lifetime it even supports the so called justice system and the legal aid sucking lawyers."

    The lawyers come in for the most opprobium, but there's a whole army of support staff to keep the gravy train firmly on the rails...
