Thursday 12 August 2021

Labour Priorities...

"Foreign criminals here illegally? We love you, don't go!"

The seven who were successfully deported had been sentenced to a total of 46 years in jail for offences including rape, sexual offences against children, assault and possession of offensive weapons.
One had been handed a minimum tariff of 20 years for murder, while another served a long jail term for four counts of rape. His victim was a girl aged under 16.
Labour MPs had campaigned in support of all 50 criminals, with former shadow home secretary Diane Abbott describing the Home Office's efforts to deport them as a 'racist dragnet'.

"Animal condemned to death by incompetent government department? Meh..*shrugs*"

Sir Keir said: ‘It’s always tragic when it happens. I don’t think we can make an exception in this case. Of course it’s sad – it’s sad for farmers as well when they lose their animals but we have to keep TB under control.’
Maybe you'd do better keeping the mad cows in your front bench ranks under control, Kier...


  1. "The seven who were successfully deported had been sentenced to a total of 46 years in jail for offences including rape, sexual offences against children, assault and possession of offensive weapons."

    If I were the Judge they would have had a total of 200+ years to serve.

  2. Biggin Hill is nearby and is used frequently to deport East European vermin. Border control use it on the quiet to stop protesters as it's out of public view unlike Heathrow or Gatwick.
    Funnily enough I've never seen Fatty Abbott on the runway throwing herself in front of planes doing these deportations.
    Can't think why? Or does she only care about black criminals (like her son)?

  3. If everyone who protests at these deportations was asked to confirm that they would allow someone who had entered their home and abused their hospitality by stealing, raping, or assaulting a member of their family, to remain in their home, I would suggest the answers would be very illuminating. This country is my home and I have no wish for anyone who abuses my hospitality to remain here. If British citizens, that is what prisons are for. If foreign citizens, no matter how long they have lived here, is what deportation orders are for.

  4. Patel is doing a great job for us, why Boris doesn't sack her is a mystery.

  5. Someone on Facebook has the answer:-

    "In the light of recent announcements by my local Police force that they no longer consider it necessary to attend the scene of domestic burglaries, I have taken down the St. George’s flag from beside the house and peeled the burglar alarm sticker off the front door. We’ve taken down the CCTV cameras, disconnected our home alarm system, cancelled its connection to the security monitoring service and quit our Neighbourhood Watch.

    Instead, I’ve bought two ISIS flags on eBay and raised them in the front garden, one at each end. Now the local police, CID, MI5, MI6, the SAS and other UK Counter Terrorism agencies are all watching the house 24/7.

    We’ve never felt safer and we’re saving £24.95 a month."

    1. That's very funny Melv. Made me laugh.

  6. "If I were the Judge they would have had a total of 200+ years to serve."

    For me, it'd be a month. Before their date with the hangman.

    "Border control use it on the quiet to stop protesters as it's out of public view unlike Heathrow or Gatwick."

    Not often enough for anyone's liking, sadly...

    "...the answers would be very illuminating."

    No, because they'd just lie!

    "We’ve never felt safer and we’re saving £24.95 a month.""

