Wednesday 18 August 2021

(Not) Keeping Death Off The Roads...

A teenage driver smashed through a garden wall during a high-speed police helicopter chase in which 20 other vehicles had to take evasive action.

Pity it wasn't an Apache gunship... 

Raaqib Rasool was 17 when he sped off in a silver Vauxhall Astra when he had no driving licence and no insurance, Bradford Crown Court heard yesterday.
Rasool, now 19, of Jesmond Avenue, Heaton, Bradford, pleaded guilty to driving dangerously on the afternoon of June 14 last year.

And is he heading for a long spell behind bars? Reader, he is not, of course: 

He was sentenced to 12 months detention in a young offender institution, suspended for two years, after Judge David Hatton QC labelled the driving “monstrous.”

Clearly, 'monstrous' driving just doesn't cut it. Maybe only 'apocalyptic' driving will get you a spell in youth chokey. But maybe I'm maligning his honour? Maybe the mitigation was amazing?

Reader, it was not: 

Mohammed Khan said in mitigation that he was just 17 at the time and had made “a huge mistake.”
He knew there was a strong possibly of a custodial sentence. He was ashamed of his behaviour and family members relied on him for support.
Rasool had completed a business course and hoped to continue with his studies. There was a job waiting for him when the court proceedings had concluded.

The same old boilerplate they all churn out. And why do family members rely on a 17 year old for support? 

Judge David Hatton QC said Rasool had put other road users at considerable risk, causing many vehicles to take evasive action to avoid him.

Well, hopefully a swinging fine, at least? 

He was ordered to pay £425 costs. Judge Hatton told him: “You’re free to go with your very large bag I see.”

That won't even pay for the petrol costs, let alone the avgas for the chopper... 


  1. Also, who pays for the repair of the damaged wall? This cretin had no insurance so the likes of Direct Line aren't going to stick their hands in their pockets. A civil debt action will be a waste of time and I bet the family of the poor, misunderstood, potential tycoon will be conspicuous by their silence.
    Everyone loses except this little sh#t.

  2. "There was a job waiting for him when the court proceedings had concluded."

    Sounds like an unusual interview:
    "When can you start?"
    "Monday if I don't get sent down in the meantime"
    "Welcome aboard"


  3. May I suggest the clue to this ridiculous sentence is the defendants name. If I as an older white man had done this they would have thrown the book at me and it would have cost me thousands. We now have several systems of law in UK and pity help you if your a white guy with some savings because your really going to be taken to the cleaners. Somebody has to pay for the system and it sure isn't going to be any newcomer or anyone related to one.

  4. "Also, who pays for the repair of the damaged wall?"

    I think you already know the answer...

    "Raaquib - good British name."

    Isn't it just?

    "May I suggest the clue to this ridiculous sentence is the defendants name. "

    Maybe, but I see plenty of soft sentences handed out to white chavs too...
