Thursday 26 August 2021

Putting Southend On The Map..?

A Southend councillor says a so-called "incel" movement is a threat to women - following urgent warnings from a former chief prosecutor.
Kursaal ward councillor Matt Dent has agreed with warnings by Nazir Afzal that men in the so-called movement needed to be identified.

Well, I suppose it's one way to attract the attention of the local rag... 

Mr Afzal, former chief crown prosecutor for the North West told BBC Breakfast on Saturday there were 10,000 people with incel views like Davison in the country.

How does he know? Has there been a survey of views? Is he just pulling 'stats' out of his backside? 

He said: “How many of them, a small minority, are a threat?”

I'm guessing an even tinier minority!

“We have to recognise that we have a responsibility to identify them and share that information.”

'We' don't have to do any such thing, actually. Especially when it seems that identifying problematic views isn't exactly your forte... 

Mr Afzal added: “We have now seen posts on various social media sites which paint a picture of somebody that has a very low opinion or had a very low opinion of women, who seemed to have a belief he was entitled to do whatever he wanted to, a real expectation that women were some kind of lesser being.
“That kind of extreme misogyny of the type we have seen here and in terms of the incel community is a threat to all women and, ultimately, to all our communities.”

Were you not paying attention at mosque, Nazir? Or when you were prosecuting all those grooming cases


  1. Having a bad attitude towards women stops you from getting laid, who knew?

    I wasn't actually aware that incels were part of a movement, I thought that they were just people that nobody wanted to shag.

  2. As an example of those who adhere to the most misogynistic belief system known to man (or woman, for balance) he's apparently trying to balance hypocrisy and stupidity alongside his desire for publicity.

  3. Yeah, Mr Azfal, thanks for the do Travelers and grooming gangs.

  4. Moslems are a threat to women. Are you listening Mr Azfal?

  5. Oh look a squirrel....

  6. It's a rat, WC Jaded.

    You know, a 'squirrel' without a bushy tail; the sort recruited as fellow plod for as long as they refrain from dialling 999 to check on the progress of 'there' job application.

  7. Just look at his name, don't you understand in today's UK if it's his opinion it's a fact.

  8. "I wasn't actually aware that incels were part of a movement..."

    I expect it came as a surprise to most of them, too!

    "...he's apparently trying to balance hypocrisy and stupidity alongside his desire for publicity."

    Be fair, it's clearly his sole talent!

    "Yeah, Mr Azfal, thanks for the do Travelers and grooming gangs."

    They are the real Third Rail of politics mow.

    "Just look at his name, don't you understand in today's UK if it's his opinion it's a fact."

    Which one? Afzal, or Dent?
